SARON Exam 8


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SARON Practice Exam 8

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1 / 80

Category: SARON - Human Factors

1. Which of the following statements regarding the human eyes are true?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

2. After an extensive dental surgery requiring local anesthetics, how long must a pilot wait to fly?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

3. What is the initial symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

4. For flights above 8,000 ft ASL where decompression stops were not required. How long must a pilot wait before flying?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

5. When the airplane is in a turn, if a pilot's head is turned suddenly in another direction, what type of illusion could this pilot face?

6 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

6. Which of the following statements is true regarding a direct drive turboprop engine?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

7. Which of the following statements are true regarding a hydraulic accumulator? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

8. Which of the following statements is true regarding an electrical bus? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

9. How does a DME function?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

10. TCAS/ACAS 1 provide?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

11. What is Reverted Rubber Hydroplaning?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

12. What is the low pressure turbine bleed air used for?

13 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

13. Which of the following sources are inputs for fire detection?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

14. How does thrust reverse work on a turboprop engine?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

15. With regards to thrust reversers on turbofan engines, which of the following statements is true:

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

16. How does an anti-skid system work?

17 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

17. What is the advantage of lightning detection equipment versus a weather radar?

18 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

18. Which of the following statements is true regarding Special VFR?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

19. When icing conditions are reported to exist or are forecast to be encountered along the route of flight, no person shall authorize a flight or its continuation or conduct a take-off or continue a flight in an aircraft:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

20. A pilot flying at 4000 ft ASL at an airspeed of 270 knots towards a Class C control zone (elevation 1200 ft), should?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

21. To maintain a category 1 medical, if you are a 55 year old ATPL pilot in a commercial operation, you must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

22. Above what cabin pressure altitude must every passenger wear an oxygen mask?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

23. An air operator shall not assign a flight duty period to a flight crew member, and a flight crew member shall not accept such an assignment, if, as a result, the member’s number of hours of work will exceed:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

24. What is the maximum flight duty time for a 705 operator?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

25. A safety management system shall include:

(1) a safety policy on which the system is based;

(2) a process for setting goals for the improvement of aviation safety and for measuring the attainment of those goals;

(3) a process for identifying hazards to aviation safety and for evaluating and managing the associated risks;

(4) a process for ensuring that personnel are trained and competent to perform their duties;

(5) a process for the internal reporting and analyzing of hazards, incidents and accidents and for taking corrective actions to prevent their recurrence;

(6) a process for a punitive disciple policy to prevent their recurrence;

(7) a document containing all safety management system processes and a process for making personnel aware of their responsibilities with respect to them;

(8) a quality assurance program;

(9) a process for conducting periodic reviews or audits of the safety management system and reviews or audits, for cause, of the safety management system; and

(10) a process for conducting periodic reviews or audits of the safety management system and issuing fines for non-compliance.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

26. To maintain a category 1 medical, if you are a 35 year old ATPL pilot in a commercial operation, you must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

27. Altimeters operating under VFR or IFR in airspace, that is designated as "Transponder Airspace" shall be calibrated ____________.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

28. A flight crew member shall not take a controlled rest on the flight deck of an aircraft unless,  the rest is ___________ and, is taken during the cruise portion of the flight.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

29. When is a Flight Data Recorder required?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

30. Airspace classified as Class C becomes ______ airspace when the appropriate ATC unit is not in operation.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

31. An ATPL holder endorsed with an instrument rating shall exercise the privileges of the instrument rating  __________________________:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

32. Within the Standard Pressure Setting Region, if a Hold is conducted, the altimeter shall not be set to the local aerodrome altimeter setting until ____________________________.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

33. The PIC of an IFR aircraft, that experiences a communications failure when operating in controlled airspace, in VMC conditions, shall:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

34. Pilots operating under IFR in uncontrolled airspace should, whenever practical,________________________.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

35. How do you legally brief a visually impaired passenger?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

36. The PIC of an IFR aircraft when descending to conduct an approach at an uncontrolled aerodrome shall report:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

37. As soon as information is received that an aircraft is overdue, operators or owners should:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

38. The minimum fuel for turbo-jet aeroplane, where an alternate is specified in the IFR flight plan is: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

39. What are the limitations for operating a 3 or 4 engined airplane to operate en-route with 2 of it's engines inoperative?

  1. All points along the intended track are located at a distance that can be flown in 90 minutes or less, with all engines operating at cruise power, from an aerodrome.
  2. the weight of the aeroplane is not greater than the weight that will allow the aeroplane to clear vertically, by at least 2,000 feet, all terrain and obstructions within 5 NM on either side of the intended track, and thereafter to continue flight to an aerodrome.
  3. all points along the intended track are located at a distance that can be flown in 120 minutes or less, with all engines operating at cruise power, from an aerodrome.
  4. the weight of the aeroplane is not greater than the weight that will allow the aeroplane to clear vertically, by at least 1,000 feet, all terrain and obstructions within 5 NM on either side of the intended track, and thereafter to continue flight to an aerodrome.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

40. What are the limitations for operating an airplane en-route with one-engine inoperative?

  1. The effects of wind and temperature are taken into account.
  2. The aircraft clears vertically, by at least 1,500 feet, all terrain and obstructions within 5 NM on either side of the intended track.
  3. The aircraft clears vertically, by at least 2,000 feet, all terrain and obstructions within 5 NM on either side of the intended track.
  4. The aircraft has a positive slope at 1,000 feet above all terrain and obstructions within 5 NM on either side of the intended track

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

41. No person shall operate an aircraft unless it is equipped with a seat and ______________________.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

42. No person shall conduct a take-off in an aeroplane unless the weight of the aeroplane on landing at the destination aerodrome will allow a full-stop landing:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

43. When weather forecasts indicate that the runway may be wet at the ETA, for a turbo-jet-powered aeroplane, the landing distance available (LDA) at the destination aerodrome must be:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

44. When is high altitude training required for pilots?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

45. ETOPS operations are those operations conducted with a twin engine airplane over a specified route that contains a point further than ________ flying time at the approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed from an adequate airport.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

46. What is the Critical Engine failure recognition speed?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

47. A pilot shuts down an engine in-flight as a precaution. What must also be completed after the flight?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

48. When is a Flight Data Recorder required?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

49. When is a Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) required?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

50. No person shall conduct a take-off in a turbo-jet-powered aeroplane unless it is equipped with an altitude alerting system, unless:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

51. When descending at a constant True Airspeed (TAS), the Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) and Mach will?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

52. The greatest vortex strength occurs under:

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

53. Which of the following statements are true regarding a cold-soaked wing?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

54. Calculate the angle of bank required for a rate one turn? TAS 160 knots

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

55. What is the load factor for a 60 degree angle of bank?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

56. How does the aircraft weight affect Maneuvering Speed (Va)?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

57. What is the difference between range and endurance?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

58. What will be the effect(s) of a rapid explosive cabin de-compression?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

59. What are the symptoms of a tailplane stall?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

60. During the walk-around, you notice the the trim tabs on the right aileron are down, as well as the elevator trim are also down. Once you enter the cockpit after the walk-around what will the trim indication show?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

61. A low-energy landing regime is defined as a condition where: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Navigation – General

62. A pilot flying at FL 250 in the Arctic Control Area:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

63. A pilot flying a King Air 90 on approach to a 3 bar VASIS runway with the following indication is:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

64. Which of the following is considered an aviation occurrence?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

65. If a holding procedure is conducted, the altimeter shall not be set to the current aerodrome altimeter setting until:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

66. After receiving a clearance from ATC to climb, you receive a TCAS RA. You must?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

67. In a METAR, what does VCSH mean?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

68. What is the definition of Specific Air Range?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

69. What is the wake turbulence separation for a Medium behind a Heavy aircraft in a radar environment?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

70. What is the definition of Specific Ground Range?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

71. Which of the following statements is true regarding lightning detection equipment?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

72. Which of the following information is true about a Flight Management System? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Instruments

73. The basic of an LF/MF airway width is ___________, diverging ____ on each side of the centreline from the designated facility, up to ____.

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Category: SARON - Instruments

74. The ILS localizer system safe obstruction clearance is?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

75. The track-keeping accuracy of RNP 5 is:

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Category: SARON - Instruments

76. What is the ADF night time effect error the greatest?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

77. What is the ADF shoreline error?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

78. When the barometric pressure changes by 0.1 inch. This is equal to?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

79. With a blocked static source, what would an aircraft altimeter indicate in a climb?

80 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

80. What is the allowable tolerance between the altimeter indicated altitude and the airport elevation?

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