SARON Exam 7


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SARON Practice Exam 7

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1 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

1. What are the 2 characteristics of a gyroscope?

2 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

2. An aircraft cruising at FL200 has descended to 5,000 ft without re-setting the altimeter from 29.92 to 30.10. What is the the aircrafts actual altitude ASL?

3 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

3. Which of the following is not true regarding TCAS?

4 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

4. Which of the following is not considered Elementary Work?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

5. The holder of a second officer rating may exercise the privileges of: (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

6. Where are the dimension of a Mandatory Frequency?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

7. A flight crew member on reserve means a flight crew member who has been designated by an air operator to be available to report for flight duty on notice of:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

8. Which regards to a commuter operator, when icing conditions are reported to exist or are forecast to be encountered along the route of flight, no person shall conduct a take-off, unless:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

9. What is the IFR fuel requirement for 704 Commuter operations?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

10. You are flying at 15,000 ft within the Northern Control Area and climb to FL220. This means?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

11. No person shall leave an engine of an aircraft running unless:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

12. Which of the following is considered to be an Unforeseen Operational Circumstance?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

13. An air operator shall not assign to a flight crew member a reserve duty period that exceeds ____ consecutive hours, if the period begins between 23:00 and 01:59

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

14. No person shall operate an aircraft in Canada below ________ , at more than _______.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

15. RVSM airspace begins at FL___, and have a separation of ______ feet.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

16. A person may operate over water a transport category aircraft that is an aeroplane, at up to ________, or the distance that can be covered in _______ of flight at the cruising speed filed in the flight plan or flight itinerary, whichever distance is the lesser, from a suitable emergency landing site without the life rafts.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

17. No person shall operate over water a single-engined aeroplane, or a multi-engined aeroplane that is unable to maintain flight with any engine failed, at more than _______, or the distance that can be covered in _______ of flight at the cruising speed filed in the flight plan or flight itinerary, whichever distance is the lesser, from a suitable emergency landing site unless life rafts are carried on board and are sufficient in total rated capacity to accommodate all of the persons on board.

18 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

18. No person shall operate over water a multi-engined aeroplane that is able to maintain flight with any engine failed at more than _______, or the distance that can be covered in ______ of flight at the cruising speed filed in the flight plan or flight itinerary, whichever distance is the lesser, from a suitable emergency landing site unless life rafts are carried on board and are sufficient in total rated capacity to accommodate all of the persons on board.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

19. An air operator shall provide a flight crew member with __________, at the end of a flight duty period if the flight duty period ends away from home base.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

20. Which of the following is the ATPL requirement.

___ hours instrument flight time of which a maximum of ___ hours may have been acquired in approved instrument ground trainer.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

21. A flight duty time may be extended up to _____, and _____________, for a private operator, during an unforeseen operational circumstance.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

22. As an ATPL pilot, if you let your instrument rating IPC lapse, you may?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

23. For a 704 operator, the IFR fuel requirements in addition to the alternate fuel requirements are:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

24. What is the maximum holding speed for an aircraft holding at 11,000 ft?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

25. Class A airspace will be designated from: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

26. A suitable take-off alternate aerodrome must be specified in the operational flight plan and that aerodrome must be:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

27. A minimum rest period means a period during which a flight crew member is free from all duties and:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

28. An air operator shall not assign flight time to a flight crew member, and a flight crew member shall not accept such an assignment, if the member’s total flight time will, as a result, exceed ______ hours in any 365 consecutive days.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

29. An aircraft that is required to be equipped with one or more ELTs may be operated without a serviceable ELT if the operator:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

30. Which of the following is a requirement for No Alternate IFR Flight for a Commuter Operation?

  1. The take-off aerodrome shall be situated within the North American continent, the Caribbean islands and Bermuda;
  2. For at least one (1) hour before and until one (1) hour after the ETA at the aerodrome of intended landing, there shall be no fog or other restrictions to visibility, including precipitation, whether forecast or reported, below 3 miles;
  3. For at least one (1) hour before and until three (3) hours after the ETA at the aerodrome of intended landing, there shall be no fog or other restrictions to visibility, including precipitation, whether forecast or reported, below 3 miles;
  4. No thunderstorms forecast or reported;
  5. A forecast ceiling of at least 1,000 feet above FAF altitude and a visibility of at least 3 miles or a ceiling of at least 1,500 feet above the MDA and a visibility of at least 6 miles;
  6. A forecast ceiling of at least 1,000 feet above FAF altitude and a visibility of at least 5 miles or a ceiling of at least 1,500 feet above the MDA and a visibility of at least 5 miles;
  7. No freezing precipitation whether forecast or reported;
  8. The minimum fuel required shall include taxi fuel; fuel to destination; contingency fuel; holding reserve fuel; and fuel for flights in International and Northern Airspace shall be additional contingency fuel or enroute reserve fuel, whichever is the greater.


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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

31. When must a pilot comply with ICAO regulations?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

32. Which of the following is required to determine the net-takeoff flight path?

(1)the longest runway.

(2) the runway slope in the direction of take-off,

(3) the pressure-altitude at the aerodrome,

(4) the ambient temperature at the aerodrome, and

(5) the wind component at the time of take-off, that is not more than 50% of the reported headwind or not less than 150% of the reported tailwind;

(6) not banking the aeroplane before reaching an altitude of 50 feet.

(7) using no more than 15 degrees of bank at altitudes between 50 feet and 400 feet, and

(8) using no more than 25 degrees of bank at altitudes above 400 feet.

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

33. Which of the following statements is true regarding carbon monoxide?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

34. Which of the following statements is true regarding smoking/smokers? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

35. Which of the following statements is true regarding "Grey out"? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

36. Which of the following statements is true regarding decompression sickness? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

37. What is a concern for an aircraft approach at night over dark featureless terrain?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

38. What are the symptoms of hyperventilation?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

39. Valsalva’s manoeuvre is used to:

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

40. Rain on a windshield:

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

41. Which of the following is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

42. A pilot who just departed night VFR should:

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

43. Which of the following affects the speed of sound?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

44. Which of the following statements is true regarding wing tip vortices? 

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

45. What is the purpose of a wing fence?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

46. What is the purpose on an anhedral wing?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

47. Calculate the angle of bank required for a rate one turn? TAS 320 knots

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

48. Supersonic flow is characterized by the following:

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

49. What is the speed range for Transonic flight?


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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

50. What is the function of leading edge slats?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

51. What is the purpose of Spoilers on a wing?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

52. What is the purpose of leading edge flaps?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

53. What is the purpose of Canards?

54 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

54. On approach to a wet runway, the aircraft tires are inflated to 85 psi. What speed would you expect this aircraft to hydroplane?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

55. A Runway Surface Condition Report will be issued when:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

56. Which of the following conditions affect hydroplaning?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

57. You are flying an ILS approach and the wind suddenly shifts from a 15 knot headwind to a 5 knot tailwind. What should you do to maintain the glide path?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations


Calculate the ASDA given the following?
Runway length: 6000 ft
Stopway: 500 ft
Clearway: 1500 ft

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

59. Which statement is true regarding an IFR departure procedure that has not been assessed for obstacles?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

60. What is the wake turbulence separation for a light behind a heavy aircraft in a radar environment?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

61. In a non-radar environment, controllers will apply a ______ separation interval to any aircraft that takes off into the wake of a known heavy aircraft, or a light aircraft that takes off into the wake of a known medium aircraft.

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

62. How may an aircraft stall warning system react in icing conditions?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

63. What is a balanced field length?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

64. How often must IFR pitot static systems be tested by aircraft maintenance?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

65. A Canadian aircraft flying in international airspace is:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

66. The first segment of the takeoff starts from the height of 35 feet above the take-off surface and ends when the ____________, when flying at the ____ speed, with the flaps in the take-off position.

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

67. The visual manoeuvring speed for a circling approach is determined using:

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

68. Net take-off flight path means an aeroplane must clear all obstacles by at least ____ vertically or by at least ____ horizontally within the aerodrome boundaries and ____ horizontally outside those boundaries.

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

69. Which is the following is the Takeoff Distance Available (TODA)?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

70. When descending from the Standard Pressure Region to the Altimeter setting region. When must you reset your altimeter?

71 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

71. Which of the following is considered a Hot Start?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

72. What regulates the cabin pressure?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

73. Which of the following statements is true regarding an anti-skid system?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

74. What is the critical engine of a multi-engined aircraft?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

75. How does a jet pump function?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

76. On a turbine compressor, stator vanes:

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

77. Which of the following statements are true regarding compressor stalls? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

78. Which of the following is true regarding FADEC?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

79. Which of the following is an indicator of a compressor stall?

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Category: Uncategorized

80. For a commuter operation, to conduct a take-off with minima below RVR 1200 feet (1/4 mile): (select all that apply)

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