SARON Exam 2


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SARON Practice Exam 2

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1 / 80

Category: SARON - Human Factors

1. What qualities of an effective P.I.C.? (select the best 3 answers)

2 / 80

Category: CPL - Flight Operations | Section 7

2. What must you do with the first indication of smoke in the cockpit?

3 / 80

Category: CPL - Flight Operations | Section 7

3. What does V1 speed mean?

4 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

4. A Transportation Dangerous Goods Training Certificate expires  ___________.

5 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

5. Wake turbulence associated with wing tip vortices generate the maximum strength under the following conditions:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

6. What is a Hung Start/N2 Stagnation?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

7. When is high altitude training required for pilots?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

8. How long after receiving extensive dental treatment such as a local anesthesia, must you not fly?

9 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

9. No operator of an aircraft shall permit the use of a flight control lock unless:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

10. Who can extend the duty day in the event of an unforeseen operational circumstance?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

11. No person shall dispatch or conduct a take-off in an aeroplane unless: In the case of a large aeroplane that is propeller-driven, the weight of the aeroplane on landing at the destination aerodrome and at the alternate aerodrome will allow a full-stop landing within _____________.

12 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

12. You have filed an IFR flight plan and fail to take off?

13 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

13. Except where conducting a take-off, approach or landing, no person shall operate an aircraft over a built-up area or over an open-air assembly of persons at an altitude that is not lower than:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

14. A pilot on an IFR flight plan experiences a communications failure in VMC conditions should:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

15. What is the wake turbulence separation applied by ATC for a light aircraft departing behind a heavy aircraft?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

16. As an ATPL license holder if your Group 1 instrument rating expires, what privileges can you exercise?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

17. To maintain a category 1 medical, if you are a 42 year old ATPL pilot in a commercial operation, you must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

18. As an ATPL holder, what privileges can you exercise if your CAT 1 medical expires?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

19. To maintain a category 1 medical, if you are a 45 year old ATPL pilot in single pilot commercial operation, you must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

20. What are the privileges of an Airline Transport Pilot licence holder with a Group 1 instrument rating? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

21. Which of the following is considered a reportable aviation accident?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

22. Which of the following would be considered a mandatory reportable incident? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

23. On a turbofan engine reverse thrust is accomplished by?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

24. When climbing at a constant mach number the Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) will

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

25. When operating IFR,  in mountainous regions, under very cold temperatures compared to the ISA. A pilot should add at least ________ above the MEA/MOCA.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

26. For a turbojet airplane, when weather reports or forecasts indicate that the runway may be ________ at the ETA, no person shall dispatch or conduct a take-off in a turbo-jet-powered aeroplane unless the landing distance available (LDA) at the destination airport is at least _______ of the landing distance.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

27. If the accumulator is pre-laoded to 1,200 PSI but the normal system pressure is 3,000 PSI.  The system and accumulator pressure gauge after startup would read ________.

28 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

28. The basic VHF/UHF airway width is ____, diverging ____ on each side of the centreline from the designated facility, up to ____.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

29. The basic LF/MF airway width is ____, diverging ____ on each side of the centreline from the designated facility, up to ____.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

30. The failure of a Radar Altimeter will affect which of the following systems?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

31. Regarding GPWS, which of the following is incorrect?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

32. What does V2 speed mean?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

33. What does the term Balanced Field Length mean?

34 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

34. At what aircraft speed will likely prevent the formation of ice due to aerodynamic heating?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

35. What can help a pilot to prevent CFIT (Controlled Flight Intro Terrain)?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

36. How do you legally brief a blind passenger?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

37. What is the maximum Holding speed for jet aircraft holding at 6,000ft?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

38. How long after donating blood should you not fly?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

39. What is considered the movement area at an aerodrome?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

40. What is the manoeuvering area of an aerodrome?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

41. A precautionary engine shutdown in-flight would constitute to be an aviation_______.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

42. A pilot who changes the transponder from Code 7500 to Code 7700 would indicate that:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

43. In high level controlled airspace, should adjust their transponder to reply on Mode A, Code ______ and on Mode C, unless otherwise instructed by air traffic control (ATC).

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

44. You are flying in the Southern Domestic airspace heading northbound into the Northern Domestic airspace, your cruising altitude in the Northern Domestic airspace is based on?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

45. Which of the following will be recognized by an aircraft equipped with TCAS?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

46. When you are climbing into RVSM airspace, you notice you have an RVSM critical equipment failure. What must you do?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

47. What is the floor of the Arctic Control Area?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

48. An aircraft flying at FL270 in the Northern Control Area is in___________.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

49. Which of the following is considered to be Class B airspace? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

50. The pilot-in-command of a VFR aircraft shall revise the estimated time and point of ADIZ entry and inform an air traffic control unit, a flight service station or a community aerodrome radio station, when the aircraft is not expected to arrive within:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

51. A transport category aircraft has life preservers for every soul on board. How far away from land can it operate without life rafts?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

52. When operating with passengers in IMC when the weather reports forecast thunderstorms along your route, you must have the following equipment:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

53. An aircraft with no approved Minimum Equipment List, if the CVR is U/S but the FDR is serviceable may:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

54. In order to operate over water a multi-engined aeroplane that is ABLE to maintain flight with any engine failed you must ensure: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

55. In order to operate a single-engined aeroplane, or a multi-engined aeroplane that is UNABLE to maintain flight with any engine failed,  from a suitable emergency landing site you must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

56. No person shall conduct a take-off or a landing on water in an aircraft or operate an aircraft over water beyond a point where the aircraft could reach shore in the event of an engine failure, unless: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

57. A pilot who accepts a Land and Hold Short (LAHSO) clearance must:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

58. An aircraft registered in Canada but one that has been manufactured in a foreign land has an Airworthiness Directive. As the owner of that aircraft you:

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

59. Which of the following statements are true regarding having a Third Attitude Indicator? (select the best 2 answers))

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

60. Which statement is true regarding a 406 ELT?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

61. Who is allowed to fly into Class F-Advisory airspace?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

62. Which statement is true regarding a pilot flying into a Class F-Restricted area?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

63. What is the Takeoff Limiting Weight given the following conditions:

OAT: 25 F
Pressure Altitude: Sea Level
Takeoff Field Length: 3,200 ft
Headwind Comp: 30 knots
No Runway Gradient
Anti-skid Operative

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

64. What are the V1, Vr, V2 speeds given the following conditions:

OAT: 20 C
Pressure Altitude: 2,000 ft
Gross Weight: 16,000 lbs
Head Wind: 10 knots
Slope: 0%
Anti-Ice ON

65 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

65. What is Engine Pressure Ratio?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

66. What is a 'Free Turbine' turboprop engine? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

67. What is the purpose of negative pressure relief valves?

68 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

68. What is the power requirements when a runway is placed on CAT II/III status?

69 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

69. What do the following instrument indicate?


70 / 80

Category: Uncategorized

70. No person shall dispatch or conduct a take-off in an aeroplane unless: In the case of a turbo-jet-powered aeroplane, the weight of the aeroplane on landing at the destination aerodrome and at the alternate aerodrome will allow a full-stop landing within ___________________.

71 / 80

Category: CPL - Theory of Flight | Section 5

71. During the walk-around, you notice the the trim tabs on the right aileron are down, as well as the elevator trim are also down. Once you enter the cockpit after the walk-around what will the trim indication show?

72 / 80

Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

72. Which factor increases the V1 speed?

73 / 80

Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

73. Which statement is correct in terms of a wing's Dihedral?

74 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

74. What does RVR A measure?

75 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

75. Refer to the Specific Range chart to answer this question.

What is the fuel flow for a small turboprop airplane under the following conditions? 
TAS: 200 Knots 
Altitude: 12,000 ft ASL
Temperature: -10°C

Click here to view the chart Specific Range Chart PDF

76 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

76. With reference to the Accelerate Go - Flaps zero chart.

What is the Takeoff Field Length given the following conditions?
OAT 28 C
TOW: 12,500 lbs
Pressure Altitude: 5430 ft
Headwind 9.5 Knots

77 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

77. Using the long range cruise chart. What is the expected landing weight given the following conditions?

Gross Weight: 16,500 lbs
Range: 1150 NM
Headwind: 50 knots
Temperature at altitude: ISA  +10°C

78 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

78. Can a person conduct a take-off in an aircraft that has frost caused by cold-soaked fuel adhering to the underside?

79 / 80

Category: SARON - Navigation – General

79. Which statement(s) is true regarding T-Routes? (select the best 3 answers)

80 / 80

Category: SARON - Navigation – General

80. Which runway can an aircraft with 17 ft EWH use at the Kingston airport?

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