SARON Exam 1


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SARON Practice Exam 1

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1 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

1. In the Northern Control Area (NCA), cruising at FL160. If you needed to climb to FL220, what must you do?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

2. When descending from the standard pressure setting region to the altimeter setting region, when should you re-set the altimeter?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

3. What is the maximum Holding speed for jet aircraft holding at 18,000ft?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

4. In aviation terms what do we consider contamination?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

5. What does Transport Canada consider an infant?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

6. According to the CARS. When do pilots on the flight deck have to have their seat belts with shoulder harnesses on?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

7. What would be considered the equivalent of ½ sm of visibility in RVR value?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

8. With no quick donning masks on board, flying in a pressurized aircraft. Above what altitude do you need to have your oxygen masks on at all times?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

9. When does CVR start recording?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

10. What is the cause for dynamic hydroplaning?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

11. What is the speed regime for Transonic flights?


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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

12. What is the maximum distance you can operate from shore without a life preserver for each person on board?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

13. A pilot may operate a transport category aircraft up to _____ NM and _____ minutes without carrying life rafts on board.

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

14. What type of drag is generated by wing tip vortices?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

15. When are you required to reporting an Aviation Occurrence?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

16. As a pilot if you declare with ATC that a minimum fuel condition exists, is it considered an emergency? 

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

17. After receiving a clearance to climb to FL350, within what time frame must you commence the climb?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

18. What would be the explanation for the airspeed bleeding off to zero while flying in clouds?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

19. What happens when you make a quick head movement during a constant rate turn?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

20. Which statement is true regarding elementary maintenance?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

21. Which statement is true for aircraft de-iced with type 2 & 4 fluids?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

22. How many complete entries from the old journey log should be transferred to the new one due to the previous log being filled to capacity?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

23. When flying in uncontrolled airspace and landing at an uncontrolled aerodrome, what reporting requirements are there for broadcasting your position?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

24. What class does an airport become if you will be landing at a Class C airport outside of tower operating hours?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

25. Which segment is true regarding Class F airspace marked as CYA?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

26. What does Transport Canada consider a large aircraft?


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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

27. With regards to a turbine engine's centrifugal diffuser. What happens to the air flows velocity, pressure, and temperature?


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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

28. When flying a GPS overlay approach are you required to monitor the underlying NAVAIDs?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

29. What is the difference between applying type I & II fluids?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

30. A multi-engine aircraft with more than 10 pax requires?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

31. What are some factors that impair night vision and how do you cope with it? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

32. What is the Cold-Soaking phenomenon? (select all that apply)

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

33. The 3 Major Sections of a Gas Turbine Engine are?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

34. What are some benefits of an Accumulator?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

35. What reduces the possibility of a compressor stall?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

36. What increases risk of spatial disorientation?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

37. Which runway can an aircraft with 17 ft EWH use at the Kingston airport?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

38. When is a DME reading the least accurate?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

39. The Speed of Sound depends solely upon

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

40. What is the power requirements when a runway is placed on CAT II/III status?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

41. What will happen to an aircraft at high speed as it experiences shock waves over the wing?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

42. What is the Useful consciousness at 30,000ft?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

43. What happens to mach tapes at high altitudes when you hit turbulence?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

44. When climbing at constant MACH number what happens to TAS?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

45. If an aircraft’s TEMAC 245 in; LEMAC 125 in; CG 160 in. What is the %MAC?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

46. A pilot is flying at 18,000 feet and forgot to reset your altimeter from 30.02 to 29.92. What will the aircraft’s actual/true altitude above the ground be?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

47. Refer to the Loading Charts for this question. The answer you obtain from this question will be used to answer the next 2 questions. (Assume the wing and fuselage tanks were full at the gate but you burnt 30 IMP gallons of fuel during the taxi; the LEMAC 253.964 and MAC 90.197) What is the takeoff CG expressed in MAC%?

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Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

48. Based on the previous aircraft %MAC loading question. Is the aircraft within the approved CG envelope?

49 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

49. You are about to depart on a flight and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?
TAS: 340 knots
Track: 110 M
Wind at FL310: 170 M @ 80 knots
Wind at FL330: 150 M @ 120 knots
Fuel Flow: 2000 lbs/hour

50 / 80

Category: SARON - Air Law and Procedures

50. What are the V1, Vr, V2 speeds  given the following conditions:

OAT: 30 C
Pressure Altitude: Sea Level
Gross Weight: 19,000 lbs
Wind: 0 knots
Slope: 1% uphill
Anti-Ice Off

51 / 80

Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

51. What controls the thrust reverser of a turbo-prop engine on the ground?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

52. What prevents a turbo-prop engine from reversing ( going into the Beta range) when the aircraft is in the air?


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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

53. Which statement regarding Cascade-type Thrust Reversers is true?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

54. Which statement regarding Clamshell or Bucket Type Thrust Reversers is true?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

55. What controls the pressure in the cabin?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

56. What is the purpose of a compressor bleed valve in a turbine engine?

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Category: SARON - Airframes, Power Plants, Propellers and Aircraft Systems

57. What are some symptoms of a compressor stall, OTHER THAN loud bang/roar?

58 / 80

Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

58. What is the major advantage of a Sweepback Wing design?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

59. What is Critical Mach Number?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

60. What does a Machmeter do?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

61. What is an undesirable tendency of sweepback wings

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

62. Explain how dihedral affects stability?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

63. What is the purpose of vortex generators?

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Category: SARON - Theory Of Flight

64. During the walk-around, you notice that the trim tabs on the right aileron are up, as well as the elevator trim are also up. This would cause which aircraft state? 

65 / 80

Category: SARON - Instruments

65. What is an HSI?

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Category: SARON - Instruments

66. The ILS localizer system safe obstruction clearance is?

67 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

67. You are on final approach, flying at a higher airspeed than normal, what is an appropriate landing technique? 


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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

68. What does the TODA include?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

69. Which statement is true regarding Type 1 fluid?

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

70. Refer to the Specific Range chart to answer this question.

What is the fuel flow for a small turboprop airplane under the following conditions? 
TAS: 186 Knots 
Altitude: 16,000 ft ASL
Temperature: +20°C

Click here to view the chart Specific Range Chart PDF

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

71. With reference to the Accelerate Go - Flaps zero chart.

What is the Takeoff Weight given the following conditions?

OAT 24 C
Headwind 22 Knots
Takeoff Field Length: 6000 ft
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft

72 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

72. What is the Takeoff Distance given the following conditions:

OAT: 40° F
Pressure Altitude: 4,000 ft
Gross Weight: 16,500 lbs
Headwind Comp: 30 knots
No Runway Gradient
Anti-skid Operative

73 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

73. Using the long range cruise chart. What is the expected range given the following conditions?

Gross Weight: 18,000 lbs
Landing Weight: 14,000 lbs
Temperature at altitude: -54 °C
Tailwind: 50 knots

74 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

74. Using the Buffet Onset Boundary chart.
What is the low speed and high speed buffet given the following conditions?

Gross Weight: 80,000 lbs
Altitude: FL350

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Category: SARON - Flight Operations

75. Using the Buffet Onset Boundary chart.
What is the bank angle and and load factor given the following conditions?

Gross Weight: 100,000 lbs
Altitude: FL350
Mach: M0.70

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

76. When you are reading a checklist and you get interrupted, what should you do?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

77. What is the time of Useful Consciousness for 40,000ft?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

78. The reason smokers are more susceptible to hypoxia is because?

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Category: SARON - Human Factors

79. Which illusion may cause a pilot to conduct a lower than normal approach?

80 / 80

Category: CPL - Human Factors | Section 8

80. Which of the following statements is considered a "threat" to flight safety?

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