SAMRA Exam 6


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SAMRA Practice Exam 6

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

1. The coverage area of a TAF is up to _____ radius from an airport.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

2. The winds on a GFA are reported when the forecast wind speeds are expected to be greater than _____ knots.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

3. In a METAR, a SPECI is issued when:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

4. Decode the following PIREP: (select the best 3 answers)

UACN10 CYEG 041621
UA /OV CYWG 359080 /TM 1545 /FLUNKN /TP AT43 /IC MOD 170-210

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

5. Using the following METAR, what is the ceiling?

METAR CYWG 22005KT 150V250 8SM FEW100 SCT130 BKN250 26/15 A2949 RMK AC6CI1 HZ SLP986 DENSITY ALT 2700FT=

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

6. Decode the following TAF. (select the best 2 answers)
TAF AMD CYWG 0412/0512 15010KT P6SM FEW120 BKN150 TEMPO
0412/0414 5SM FU
BECMG 0412/0414 VRB03KT
FM041400 VRB03KT P6SM OVC100 TEMPO 0414/0416 5SM -SHRA FU
FM041600 VRB03KT P6SM OVC100 TEMPO 0416/0419 P6SM -SHRA VCTS
FM041900 VRB03KT P6SM SCT080 OVC100 TEMPO 0419/0502 P6SM -SHRA
BKN080 OVC100 PROB30 0419/0502 VRB15G25KT 5SM TSRA FU BKN080CB
FM050200 01012KT P6SM SCT080 TEMPO 0502/0505 BKN080
FM050500 36012G22KT P6SM SCT012 BKN080 TEMPO 0505/0510 4SM FU
BKN012 OVC080
FM051000 35015G25KT 1SM -RA FU SCT008 OVC012 TEMPO 0510/0512 3SM
FU FEW008 SCT012 OVC030

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

7. What is the expected weather over northern British Columbia?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

8. What is the forecasted IFR outlook?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

9. What type of icing is expected over Calgary, Alberta?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

10. What information can a civilian pilot use from a TACAN?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

11. Decode the following SPECI: (select all that apply)
SPECI CYYC VRB02KT 1SM R35L/P6000FT/N R29/P6000FT/D R35R/P6000FT/D FU OVC019 10/07 A2999 RMK SC8 SLP175=

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

12. A pilot flying at FL200 forgets to change the altimeter from 30.22" to 29.92". What is the true altitude?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

13. Prior to departure your altimeter was set to 30.18 inches. However, the current altimeter setting is 29.82 inches. This means your altimeter is reading?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

14. Which of the following statements s true regarding a static port blockage? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

15. An aircraft is flying at 18,000 ft. Elevation is 1000 feet. How far back can you pick up the VOR signal for navigation?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

16. The ILS localizer reception range is:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

17. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is used __________.

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

18. When can you use a GNSS approach at both the destination and alternate airport?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

19. Secondary Surveillance Radar:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

20. As a parcel of air subsides and warms, the relative humidity ________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

21. The speed of a front is determined by the movement of _____________

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

22. A TAF that reads "PROB30 1418 FZRA" means:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

23. A col is _________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

24. A trough is ________________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

25. In the summer, you notice a series of clouds in order of cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, and nimbostratus clouds. This means:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

26. An aircraft that is flying West but is drifting to the left. The aircraft's true altitude is:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

27. An aircraft flying at a constant pressure level, as the OAT increases, the true altitude:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

28. _____________ is when air is heated, it rises and expands.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

29. The weather at a front is determined by:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

30. Freezing rain indicates that:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

31. What does "BKN" in a METAR mean?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

32. Frontogenesis is

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

33. An aircraft flying at FL320 should avoid thunderstorms at a minimum of?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

34. At what stage of a thunderstorm are lightning strikes expected?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

35. On a GFA IFR outlook. IFR weather is considered to be:

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