SAMRA Exam 4


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SAMRA Practice Exam 4

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1 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

1. Which of the following statements is true regarding a Quasi-Stationary Fronts (QS) front?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

2. Regarding the vertical distance between pressure levels: 

3 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

3. Where would you find the most supercooled water droplets in a cloud?

4 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

4. What temperature range and cloud type is Clear Icing likely to occur?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

5. Which of the following statements best describes when warm air moves over very cold surface?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

6. Radiation Fog forms as a result of the:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

7. An aircraft is flying above FL300 and above the freezing level. How far is a recommended to avoid a thunderstorm by?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

8. When is a ICAO flight plan not required?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

9. Which of the following is not correct regarding GPWS?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

10. A pilot is flying at 18,000 feet and forgot to reset the altimeter from 30.02 to 29.92. What will the aircraft’s actual/true altitude above the ground be?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

11. A rapidly advancing cold front with a steep frontal slope can cause?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

12. An airport experiences the passage of a cold front, followed by clear skies. What happens to temp during next 12 hours?

13 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

13. What are the weather changes expected with a cold front as it passes?

14 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

14. The precipitation associated with the cold front is due to?


15 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

15. How is frontal fog formed?

16 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

16. When using a weather radar, the intensity of a thunderstorm return displayed when at 90 NM from the aircraft would ____________________.

17 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

17. An ILS approach plate with an “X” means:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

18. When referring to radio waves what is meant by the term skip zone?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

19. The ILS glide slope has a beam width of:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

20. What happens to the ground wave as frequency increases.?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

21. Which of the following statements best describes TCAS 1?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

22. Which of the following statements best describes a 406 MHZ ELT?

  1. It must be tested during the first 5 mins of any UTC hour
  2. The signal is detected almost immediately by COSPAS-SARSAT satellites
  3. The signal will be detected within 90 mins by COSPAS-SARSAT satellites
  4. An accurate position report is generated within 3-5 kilometres.
  5. 406 MHz ELTs should only be tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Selecting the ON position for more than 50 seconds will result in the signal being treated as a real emergency by the JRCC.


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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

23. Which of the following is an advantage of ADS-C?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

24. Which of the following is an advantage of ADS-B ? (Select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

25. Which of the following statements best describes TCAS III?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

26. Which of the following statements best describes TCAS II?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

27. What is the effect of cold temperature on a stabilized Constant Descent Angle (SCDA) for a non precision approach?


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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

28. Which of the following statements is true regarding TCAS?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

29. Which of the following statements best describes TCAS operation?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

30. What does the following TCAS symbol indicate?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

31. What does the following TCAS symbol indicate?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

32. Which of the following best describes TCAS/ACAS II?

33 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

33. A pilot climbing from FL180 to FL220 has an altimeter set to 30.22 instead of transitioning to 29.92. Once the aircraft is level at FL220, what will be indicated to the Air Traffic Controller?

34 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

34. Which statement is true regarding PSR (primary surveillance radar) and SSR (secondary surveillance radar)?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

35. What is the principle of operation of a VOR?

36 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

36. When is the ADF coastal error is greatest?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

37. How can you increase the reception range of an HF radio?

38 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

38. When referring to radio waves what is meant by the term skip distance?

39 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

39. En-route NDB accuracy is tested to what degree of accuracy?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

40. Which of the following is true regarding a RAIM receiver?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

41. What must a pilot do on a GNSS approach under IFR conditions with a RAIM failure notification?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

42. While flying under IFR conditions using one VOR receiver, it suddenly becomes unserviceable. What should the pilot do?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

43. What is the a major limitation between a VOR and an NDB?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

44. An aircraft is flying at 9,000 ft ASL. Elevation is 600 feet. What is the lowest reception distance for the VOR signal for navigation?

45 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

45. Dual VOR equipment may be checked by tuning both sets to the same VOR facility and noting a tolerance of _____ on the ground and may also be checked while airborne by flying over a landmark located on a published radial with a tolerance of ____.

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

46. How can can a pilot identify if the ADF has proper reception during tracking?

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Category: Uncategorized

47. incomplete What does ATC see from your mode C

48 / 80

Category: SARON - Flight Operations

48. If the pressure altitude at an airport is 5,000ft. and the temperature at airport level is +20°C. What would be the Density Altitude?

49 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

49. Which analysis chart closely represents FL340?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

50. A pilot departing on a flight from Canada to Mexico should file?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

51. A thunderstorm should be avoided by _______________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

52. An aircraft cruising at FL220 has now descended to 5,000 ft. The pilot forgot to reset the altimeter from 29.92 to 30.10. What is the the aircrafts actual altitude?

53 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

53. A VOR receiver when checked against a VOT has a tolerance of:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

54. What is the forecasted winds and visibility after 1900Z?

METAR CYOW 141900Z 28006KT 10 SM BKN022 02/01 A3030 RMK SC7 SLP270=
METAR CYOW 141800Z 30006KT 10SM FEW015 BKN029 BKN100 01/01 A3028 RMK SF1SC5AC2 SF TR SLP261=
SPECI CYOW 141740Z 27005KT 10SM FEW010 BKN024 BKN100 01/01 A3027 RMK SF1SC6AC1 SF TR SLP256=
METAR CYOW 141700Z 29004KT 15SM SCT006 OVC015 01/01 A3024 RMK SF3SC5 SLP249=
TAF CYOW 141640Z 1417/1517 29006KT P6SM OVC025 TEMPO 1417/1418
BECMG 1417/1419 28010KT
FM142200 27005KT P6SM BKN025 TEMPO 1423/1503 OVC020
FM150300 18005KT P6SM FEW020 TEMPO 1505/1508 2SM BR
FM150800 18005KT 1SM BR BKN003 PROB30 1510/1512 1/2SM -FZDZ FZFG

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

55. Compare the METAR to the TAF for CYFC. What is the ceiling and visibility trend at 1200Z ?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

56. You are about to depart on a flight from Calgary (CYYC) to Regina (CYQR), with Saskatoon (CYXE) as your alternate. What would the earliest time you could depart Calgary to ensure you have a legal alternate?

TAF CYXE 281139Z 2812/2912 24010G25KT 27050KT 5SM –SN BKN004 OVC010 TEMPO 2818/2901 1 1/2SM –SN BLSN BKN010 PROB30 2820/2822 1/2SM SN VV005 FM290200Z 28010KT 1SM –SN BKN007 BECMG 2906/2908 000000KT 1SM BKN008 RMK NXT FCST BY 281800Z

Flight time: CYYC to CYQR = 2 hours. CYQR to CYXE: 1 hour

CYXE approach plates give you an alternate minima of 600-2 for 1 useable precision approach.


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

57. You are on approach into the Winnipeg airport at 15:00Z. Which of the following statements is true?


METAR CYWG 141500Z 22012KT 15SM SCT170 OVC240 04/00 A2972 RMK AC4CI4 SLP075=

METAR CYWG 141400Z 21010KT 15SM FEW180 BKN220 03/M00 A2969 RMK AC1CI6 SLP067=

METAR CYWG 141300Z 20008KT 15SM BKN180 02/M00 A2968 RMK AC7 SLP064=

TAF CYWG 141140Z 1412/1508 20010KT P6SM SCT220
BECMG 1412/1414 27015G25KT
FM141500 27015G25KT P6SM FEW220
FM150100 25012KT P6SM SKC

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

58. What is the date of issue and validity period for the Winnipeg aerodrome forecast?


METAR CYWG 141500Z 22012KT 15SM SCT170 OVC240 04/00 A2972 RMK AC4CI4 SLP075=

METAR CYWG 141400Z 21010KT 15SM FEW180 BKN220 03/M00 A2969 RMK AC1CI6 SLP067=

METAR CYWG 141300Z 20008KT 15SM BKN180 02/M00 A2968 RMK AC7 SLP064=

TAF CYWG 141140Z 1412/1508 20010KT P6SM SCT220
BECMG 1412/1414 27015G25KT
FM141500 27015G25KT P6SM FEW220
FM150100 25012KT P6SM SKC

59 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

59. Decode the following TAF:

TAF CYXE 281139Z 2812/2912 24010G25KT WS011/ 27050KT 3SM –SN BKN010 OVC040 TEMPO 2818/2901 1 1/2SM –SN BLSN BKN008 PROB30 2820/2822 1/2SM SN VV005 FM290130Z 28010KT 5SM –SN BKN020 BECMG 2906/2908 000000KT P6SM SKC RMK NXT FCST BY 281800Z

60 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

60. What is the worst visibility forecast during this period?



METAR CYYT 141500Z 30012KT 1SM OVC020 M00/M05 A3009 RMK SC8 SLP200=
METAR CYYT 141400Z 31009G KT 4SM OVC019 M01/M04 A3010 RMK SC8 SLP203=
METAR CYYT 141300Z 30010KT 5SM OVC021 M01/M05 A3011 RMK SC8 SLP205=

TAF CYYT 141140Z 1412/1512 30007KT P6SM OVC020 TEMPO 1412/1421 5SM -SN OVC025
FM142300 34008KT 5SM OVC015 TEMPO 1423/1509 2SM -SHSN
BECMG 1502/1504 02008KT
FM150900 04010KT 3SM -SN OVC020

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

61. What is the lowest reported ceilings for CYOW?

METAR CYOW 141900Z 28006KT 10 SM BKN009 02/01 A3030
METAR CYOW 141800Z 30006KT 10SM BKN006 FEW029 BKN100 01/01 A3028
SPECI CYOW 141740Z 27005KT 10SM FEW010 BKN007 BKN100 01/01 A3027
METAR CYOW 141700Z 29004KT 15SM OVC080 01/01 A3024
TAF CYOW 141640Z 1417/1517 29006KT P6SM OVC010 TEMPO 1417/1418
BECMG 1417/1419 28010KT
FM142200 27005KT P6SM BKN007 TEMPO 1423/1503 OVC020
FM150300 18005KT P6SM FEW020 TEMPO 1505/1508 2SM BR
FM150800 18005KT 1SM BR BKN010 PROB30 1510/1512 1/2SM -FZDZ FZFG

62 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

62. Refer to the GFA which is the last out of the series of 3 clouds and weather issued. Which of the following statements is correct?

63 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

63. Refer to the GFA. What is the lowest weather you can expect over Bagotville CYBG?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

64. Refer to the GFA. When is the Cold front expected over Kapuskasing CYYU?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

65. Refer to the GFA. What is the expected flying conditions on a cross country flight from Val-D'or CYVO to La Grande CYAH?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

66. Refer to the GFA. At 1800Z, what is the anticipated ceilings on a North East bound departure from Val-D'or CYVO?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

67. What is the expected IFR outlook?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

68. Refer to the GFA. What is the synoptic feature 90NM West of CYBG?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

69. Refer to the GFA. What is the forecast over Thunder Bay CYQT?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

70. Refer to the GFA. What is the expected flight conditions on approach to Bagotville CYBG at 2100Z, assuming the forecast is correct?

71 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

71. Refer to the GFA. Select the best two answers that represent the conditions South of Terrace CYXT:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

72. Refer to the SIGWX PROG chart. You are preparing to fly from Vancouver CYVR to Anchorage PANC at FL240. What is the expected weather along your route of flight?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

73. Refer to the SIGWX PROG chart. What is the expected weather depicted in Area 1?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

74. Refer to the SIG WX chart below. Which of the following two statements are true?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

75. Refer to the SIG WX chart below. Which of the following two statements are true with regards to the weather over Northern Manitoba and Ontario?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

76. Refer to the computerized flight plan below. When over waypoint AVVON, the fuel on board is 2700 kgs. What would this mean?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

77. Refer to the computerized flight plan below. What is the maximum takeoff weight?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

78. Refer to the computerized flight plan below. Which of the following 2 statements is true?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

79. Refer to the computerized flight plan below. Which of the following 2 statements are true?

80 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

80. Refer to the computerized flight plan below. Which of the following 2 statements are true?

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