SAMRA Exam 2


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SAMRA Practice Exam 2

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

1. ____________ forms when very cold dry air moves over warmer waters.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

2. What is land breeze and sea breeze?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

3. A _________ is the transition zone between two air masses where there is a steep change in temperature and moisture.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

4. What are Anabatic winds?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

5. ________ forms when supercooled water droplets freezes instantly without spreading further back.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

6. Which of the following statements about aerodynamic heating is true?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

7. Regarding GPWS, which of the following is incorrect?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

8. Why would fog form on the west coast of Canada over the Pacific Ocean but not over the land?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

9. The beginning of the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm is indicated by?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

10. On a constant pressure chart, what is a Contour line?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

11. The LF/MF airway width is ___________, diverging ____ on each side of the centreline from the designated facility, up to ____.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

12. Which of the following systems would be affected by a radar altimeter failure? 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

13. Which of the following statements is true regarding Mean Sea Level pressure?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

14. In the Northern Hemisphere, the frontal system tends to move _________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

15. The IFR Outlook on a GFA for VNISL (Vancouver Island) reads, “VNISL CIG/VIS RA/SN/BR”. This means?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

16. An airborne weather radar system is susceptible to a significant reduction in storm cell detection known as attenuation. The loss of effectiveness is caused by:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

17. Virga is associated with which phenomenon?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

18. The ideal conditions for formation of radiation fog are:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

19. Radiation Fog forms as a result of the:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

20. You are flying on approach through a microburst on approach. What can you expect to happen?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

21. The minimum fuel for turbo-jet aeroplane, where an alternate is specified in the IFR flight plan is: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

22. What type of clouds are formed around jet streams?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

23. What is a Squall line? 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

24. What information is broadcasted by a VOLMET?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

25. The frontal system between the Maritime Polar and Maritime Tropical air mass is the?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

26. Drizzle and freezing drizzle would most likely form in what type of cloud?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

27. Where is the jet stream and the CAT most severe?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

28. What information is provided by a Limited Weather Information System (LWIS)?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

29. What is a VOLMET?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

30. During a flight in the lower levels, when flying towards a warm front, you notice that the precipitation changes from steady rain to showers. What does this mean?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

31. As you taxi for departure on the ground you notice ice pellets. What type of precipitation can you expect aloft once you climb?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

32. As you fly towards a winter warm front in the lower levels you encounter ice pellets. What would you expect next?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

33. How does air move in a Low Pressure system?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

34. Which of the following statements are true regarding Nocturnal Jet Streams? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

35. How is ice fog formed?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

36. Why is it not advisable to fly under a thunderstorm anvil?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

37. What marks the onset of the mature stage of a thunderstorm?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

38. Maritime Tropical air moves North over the Labrador current. This could give rise to what kind of fog?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

39. When fog forms in the vicinity of Toronto, the air mass that is most likely responsible is?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

40. What temperature range and cloud type is Rime Icing likely to occur?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

41. The 700 mb, 500 mb, and 250 mb charts are equivalent to what heights?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

42. On approach your notice a sudden change of windspeed from a 10-knot tailwind to calm wind. What will happen to your airspeed?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

43. The probability of a lightning strike is greatest when the temperature is between ___________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

44. What are the characteristic of Clear Ice?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

45. What is the characteristics of Rime Ice?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

46. What type of clouds are associated with jet steams?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

47. When temperature of the air increases the amount of water vapour it can hold ______________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

48. Should ice crystals start falling through a cumulonimbus cloud, they will ______ and _______ the super-cooled water droplet content of the cloud.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

49. What happens to airframe icing once ice crystals appear within a cloud layer?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

50. The rate of pressure change is ________ in cold air.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

51. Where would you find the most supercooled water droplets in a cloud?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

52. In April, and you notice fog forming over the great lakes but not over land. What is the probable cause for this?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

53. How are LLJ depicted on a GFA? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

54. What is the air mass you will not find over Canada in the summer?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

55. Fog that forms over water but not over land is caused by?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

56. What is the advantage of lightning detection equipment versus a weather radar?

  1. It can easily detect weather information behind mountains.
  2. It is not limited to line of sight
  3. Turbulence can be detected in cloud with little to no precipitation
  4. It is not susceptible to attenuation and has 360 degree view

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

57. The VHF/UHF airway width is ____, diverging ____ on each side of the centreline from the designated facility, up to ____.

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

58. ATC informs you that they have a target on primary surveillance radar (PSR). This means that they have the target's _________.

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

59. Pick which of the following in NOT true with respect to ADS-B

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

60. Which of the following will be recognized by an aircraft equipped with TCAS?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

61. What is the GNSS RAIM alert limit?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

62. Which of the following statements is true regarding RAIM? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

63. Which of the following statements is true regarding the capabilities of a RAIM receiver?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

64. What flying a GNSS approach, the pilot notices a RAIM failure. What should the pilot do?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

65. If RAIM is not available before the start of the approach:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

66. Which of the following will produce the largest weather radar return?

1) Drizzle

2) Dry Snow

3) Wet Snow

4) Dry hail

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

67. Which of the following statements is true regarding lightning detection equipment?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

68. An aircraft is flying at 3,000 ft ASL. Elevation is 1400 feet. What is the lowest reception distance for the VOR signal for navigation?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

69. If you inadvertently fly into a thunderstorm. The recommended procedure is to:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

70. What do "Hooks" and "Fingers" represent on weather radar?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

71. Calculate the fuel requirements for a VFR Propellor driven aeroplane operated at night. The weather is forecasting thunderstorms at destination.

Taxi Fuel: 40 lbs
Cruise burn: 500 lbs/hour
Climb burn: 600 lbs/hour
Contingency 45 mins: 375 lbs
Holding Fuel: 250 lbs
Flight time: 2 hours
Time to climb: 20  mins

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

72. The minimum fuel for turbo-prop aeroplane, where an alternate is specified in the IFR flight plan is: (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

73. Which of the following are you likely to detect with a weather radar?

  1. Hail
  2. Snow
  3. Virga
  4. Volcanic Ash

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

74. Which feature of a weather radar can be used to detect embedded thunderstorms?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

75. You pass overhead an airport in preparation to conduct an approach and you see a thin layer of fog crossing the field. As you turn onto final approach to the runway, what can you expect?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

76. With a tailwind, the Critical Point moves_______________?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

77. What information can a civilian pilot use from a TACAN?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

78. When flying East to West in NAT airspace, when do you report?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

79. You are about to conduct a flight on the Northern Atlantic Tracks (NAT's). When Gander Oceanic cleared you to a new altitude via data-link in CDA. What should you do?

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Category: Uncategorized

80. You are about to commence an IFR approach with an alt setting higher than 31.00 " hg. What must you do? (select all that apply).

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