SAMRA Exam 1


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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SAMRA Practice Exam 1

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

1. Refer to the following RMI. You want to intercept 180° radial, outbound from the VOR at a 45° intercept angle. What is intercept heading?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

2. How long will it take to travel given the following?
Mach 0.84
Winds 270 T @ 50 knots
OAT -55
Distance 400 NM
True Track 090

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

3. What is a major advantage of a stormscope/lightning equipment over a weather radar? (select all that apply).

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

4. How are LLJ depicted on a GFA? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

5. What does VIRGA indicate?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

6. The approximate size of a microburst shaft is?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

7. The 250hPa and 150hPa charts are associated with which ISA levels?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

8. Vertical downdraft velocities in a microburst can attain a maximum velocity of?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

9. Where is the most severe turbulence which is associated with a mountain wave found?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

10. Where can you find the presence of standing lenticular clouds in a mountain wave?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

11. When jet stream turbulence is encountered in a crosswind situation, pilots wanting to cross the CAT area more quickly should, either climb or descend based on temperature change. If temperature is constant:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

12. If you are flying at FL300 and above the freezing level. How far is a recommended to avoid a thunderstorm by?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

13. What is the recommended technique if you inadvertently enter a thunderstorm? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

14. How far is it recommended to avoid a thunderstorm indicated by strong echos on a radar?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

15. The start of the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm is indicated by?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

16. What is the proper technique for scanning a thunderstorm with a weather radar?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

17. Which statement is true regarding a weather radar attenuation?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

18. Which of the following is true regarding Nocturnal Jet Streams?

1. They occur more frequency in the winter.
2. They occur more frequently in the summer.
3. They are associated with temperature inversions.
4. The require unstable air.
5. They are associated with an occluded front.
6. They form over flat terrain during the presence of southwest winds.



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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

19. Where is the Polar Jet Stream located?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

20. Which of the following is the most reflective when using a weather radar?

Droplet Size
Dry Snow

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

21. Clouds formed as a result of a cold front are due to?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

22. The IFR outlook section of a GFA indicates?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

23. Clouds formed as a result of a warm front are due to?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

24. What are the sequence of clouds you can expect in a warm front with unstable moist air?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

25. On the 250 mbs charts, 30 kt isotachs spaced closer than 90 NM indicate___________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

26. On the 250 hPa chart, dashed lines are used to connect points with ____________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

27. Which of the following can be detected by a weather radar?

1. Rain
2. Snow
3. Hail
4. Volcanic ash.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

28. How is an altimeter setting derived?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

29. The height of the tropopause is:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

30. Which of the following statements is true regarding the height of the tropopause:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

31. The Coriolis effect is due to the rotation of the earth, which in the Northern Hemisphere__________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

32. Which of the following statements is true regarding the Coriolis effect?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

33. The ____________ is where the majority of the weather is formed in the earth's atmosphere.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

34. Which of the following statements is true regarding the tropopause?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

35. The ______________ is the boundary between the stratopause and the mesopause.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

36. The Sun's intensity moves south during the winter which causes:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

37. The temperature in the __________ resembles the temperatures in the lower stratosphere. 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

38. The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

39. The ozone is:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

40. How is the surface of the Earth heated?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

41. Frontal overrunning refers to:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

42. Subsiding air ______________ lapse rate.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

43. _____________ of an air mass can result in expansion cooling and form clouds due to condensation. 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

44. Which of the following is a lifting agent?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

45. How is the lower atmosphere heated?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

46. _______ reduces visibility in unstable air.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

47. The Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate and the __________ determine the stability of the air.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

48. _______________ are characteristics of stable air.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

49. As a parcel of air descends down the slopes of a mountain range, the air will:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

50. What happens to the relative humidity as air subsides?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

51. When a rising parcel of air expands but does not transfer heat as it ascends is known as _____________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

52. Rising air/vertical currents in the atmosphere is known as _________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

53. Temperate zones experience the ________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

54. The presence of Altocumulus Castellanus is a sign of ___________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

55. ________ changes stable air to unstable air.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

56. ____________ is released during the condensation process.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

57. As a parcel of air ascends its ability to _________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

58. _______________ refers to a turbulent motion of air caused by friction between the ground and 3,000 ft, as the air flows over the earth’s surface.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

59. Which of the following acts "like a lid" to cap the height of the clouds and weather.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

60. As an aircraft flies through the crest of a mountain wave, the altimeter _____________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

61. "The tropopause height is higher over the equator and lower over the poles."

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

62. Which of the following statements is true?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

63. Over a warmer air mass, the tropopause height is _____________ and the temperature is _________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

64. ___________ forms when warm water evaporates as it comes into contact with cold air above it.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

65. Where are large supercooled water droplets likely to be found?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

66. Which of the following clouds are associated with a mountain wave? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

67. Which of the following clouds is a sign of a mountain wave ahead?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

68. Which of the following statements is true regarding the tropopause? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

69. Refer to the SIGWX prog chart

When would this chart be issued?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

70. Refer to the SIGWX prog chart

What does the "XX" indicate over Manitoba?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

71. Refer to the SIGWX prog chart

Which of the following statements is true?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

72. On a SIGWX prog chart, the terms CB, TCU, and ACC implies ____________. 

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Category: Uncategorized

73. Which statement best describes the movement of the Polar Jet Stream in the winter months?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

74. How does the radar altimeter work?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

75. A full scale VOR and Localizer CDI deflection is:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

76. The ILS localizer reception range is:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

77. The ILS glide path beam width is:

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

78. What is the principal of operation of a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

79. What is one way to increase the reception range of an HF radio?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

80. Refer to the SIGWX prog chart

What altitudes doe this 700-400 hPa chart represent?

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