INRAT Exam 4


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INRAT Practice Exam 4

INRAT Practice Exam 4.

For this exam you will need to download Appendix C from the course.

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Category: Uncategorized

1. What is the distance, the MEA and the MOCA from North Bay (YYB) - Timmins (YTS) VOR?

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Category: Uncategorized

2. What is the minimum flight planned altitude that can be used between North Bay VOR and Timmins VOR on the V13 airway?

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Category: Uncategorized

3. On V13, between North Bay VOR and Timmins VOR using a GPS for navigation when you receive a RAIM alert. What must you do?

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Category: Uncategorized

4. Using a GPS to navigate on V37 between the Timmins (YTS) VOR - Moosonee (YMO) VOR, you loose the VOR signal approximately 70 NM from the Moosonee (YMO) VOR.

You must?

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Category: Uncategorized

5. Assume we plan to use the RNAV (GNSS) RWY 21 into Timmins as our alternate. What is the lowest landing minimums we can use for our alternate planning?

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Category: Uncategorized


Where a satellite-based approach is planned at both the destination and alternate, the aerodromes are separated by a minimum of:

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

7. From North Bay on V13 when inbound to the Timmins (YTS) VOR, ATC gives you a holding clearance.

"Cleared to the Timmins VOR, to hold inbound on the 020 degree radial, all turns left, maintain 8000 feet, expect further clearance 1430Z."

What is the proper Hold entry?

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Category: Uncategorized

8. Assuming during the hold over the Timmins (YTS) VOR at 8,000 feet, you encounter a communications failure. What would be the correct procedure to follow if your destination is Timmins and have planned to conduct the RNAV (GNSS) RWY 21 into Timmins?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

9. When flying IFR directly over Timmins enroute to Moosonee at 8,000 ft. Which ATC unit would you be communicating with?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

10. Enroute from Timmins to Moosonee at 8,000 feet, ATC clears you to climb and maintain 9,000 feet. When can you initiate the climb?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

11. Enroute from Timmins to Moosonee at 9,000 feet. ATC now further clears you to climb "when ready" to 11,000 feet. When can you initiate the climb?

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Category: Uncategorized

12. Enroute to Moosonee at 11,000 feet you notice that you are running late so you plan to speed up. When must you notify ATC?

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Category: Uncategorized

13. Which of the following is true with regards to 1,000 feet on top flights?

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Category: Uncategorized

14. If you inadvertently enter a thunderstorm, what speed is recommended?

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Category: Uncategorized

15. What is the RAIM alert limit?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

16. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Class F CYR airspace? (Select the best 3 answers)

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Category: Uncategorized

17. If you inadvertently enter a thunderstorm, what are recommended procedures to follow? (select all that apply)

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Category: Uncategorized

18. Which of the following is NOT true with regards to contact approaches?

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Category: Uncategorized

19. What does DME measure?

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Category: INRAT - Human Factors and Airmanship

20. An aircraft approaching to land over dark terrain with no lights below the approach path is known as _________?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

21. Which of the following statements are true regarding a wing contaminated with ice, frost, or snow? (Select the three most accurate options.)

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

22. Which of the following statements are correct if you are concerned about fuel upon arrival due to ATC delays at the destination, though it does not constitute an emergency? (Select the best three options.)

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Category: Uncategorized

23. What is the highest Area Maneuvering Altitude (AMA) along your route of flight (North Bay to Timmins to Moosonee) and what is the guaranteed obstacle clearance?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

24. At airports with a designated "clearance delivery" frequency, IFR departures should contact this frequency prior to requesting taxi clearance, typically no more than ________ before engine start.

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

25. On the ground, prior to the taxi, you receive the latest ATIS which informs you of a SIGMET. Where should you get the SIGMET details before takeoff?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

26. If an aircraft has begun taxiing for takeoff and the visibility drops below the published level of service for the intended runway, is it permissible for the aircraft to continue taxiing and legally take off when the visibility is below the published minimums for that runway?

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Category: Uncategorized

27. What is one limitation of an attitude indicator?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

28. Starting on the first day of the 13th month after completing the Instrument Rating flight test or an IPC, you must also conduct the following to meet the recency requirements:

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

29. What is considered the final approach segment for an instrument approach?

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Category: Uncategorized

30. What are the magnetic heading and groundspeed from the North Bay VOR to the Timmins VOR?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

31. Based on the previous calculations, what is the estimated time en route from the North Bay (YYB) VOR to the Moosonee (YMO) VOR, routing through the Timmins (YTS) VOR? (Disregard climb time.)

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

32. (Using the answer from the previous question)
What is the minimum legal IFR fuel required based on the following details?

  • Fuel burn during climb: 500 lbs/hour
  • Fuel burn during cruise: 250 lbs/hour
  • Climb and cruise speed: Average groundspeed of 150 knots
  • Climb time: 12 minutes
  • Approach and missed approach fuel: 100 lbs
  • Contingency fuel: 120 lbs

Route distances:

  • CYYB to YYB VOR: 8 NM
  • YYB to YTS: 154 NM
  • YTS to YMO: 166 NM
  • YMO VOR to CYMO airport: 8 NM

Alternate: Timmins (CYTS)

What is the calculated minimum fuel requirement?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

33. Refer to Appendix C Kelowna NDB B (GNSS). You are planning the NDB B GNSS overlay approach into CYLW. Which of the following statements is correct?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

34. Refer to Appendix C Kelowna NDB B (GNSS) approach. You are flying at 14,000 feet when ATC clears you for the NDB B (GNSS) approach, approximately 30 NM northeast of the LW NDB.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

35. Refer to Appendix C Moosonee weather. What is the expected precipitation and ceiling for our arrival at Moosonee airport at 1500Z?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

36. Refer to the Appendix C Timmins RNAV (GNSS) RWY 21 approach plate. If we arrive at 1630Z, can Timmins be used as our legal alternate?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

37. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1200Z weather. What is the speed of the warm front?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

38. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1200Z weather. What types of precipitation are expected along our flight route as the fronts move through?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

39. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1800Z weather. What is the forecasted weather for Timmins?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

40. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1800Z weather. When is the warm front expected to pass over Moosonee (CYMO) airport?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

41. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1800Z weather. As the warm front approaches and passes, what change in pressure can be expected at CYMO?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

42. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1200Z Icing and Turbulence chart. While en-route over CYTS airport, you can expect:

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

43. Refer to Appendix C GFA 1800Z Icing and Turbulence chart. What is the freezing level at 1800Z along your flight route?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

44. Refer to Appendix C GFA. For which period is the IFR outlook valid?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

45. Refer to the Appendix C GFA Icing and Turbulence chart. What is the spatial coverage near CYTS on the 1200Z chart from the surface to 3000 feet?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

46. Refer to the Appendix C GFA Icing and Turbulence chart. What is the cause of the turbulence forecast on the 0000Z chart, 60 NM NW of CYTS?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

47. What is the lowest ceiling forecasted in the TAF for CYTS?

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Category: INRAT - Meteorology

48. Refer to the Appendix C IFR approach chart for CYKA.

Is it legal to plan the LOC Z RWY 27 approach into Kamloops (CYKA) if the TAF is currently unavailable?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

49. Refer to the Appendix C IFR approach chart for CYKA.

Based on the previous question, you have used Kamloops LOC Z RWY 27 as your alternate minima with only the GFA. Assume that, once airborne, the CYKA METAR drops to 3000 feet and 3 SM. Can CYKA still be used as a legal alternate?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

50. Refer to the Appendix C IFR approach chart for CYTS. Assume the temperature is -20°C.

What is the temperature-compensated altitude at BOTEV, the FAF, and which altitudes require temperature compensation?

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