IATRA Practice Exam 4


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IATRA Practice Exam 4

IATRA Practice Exam 4

Please download the loading charts found in the ‘Downloads’ section’ which are to be used to answer the weight and balance questions.

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

1. What does a jet engine use to prevent a compressor stall?

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

2. How is the aircraft’s pressurization controlled?

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

3. What is the recommended technique to scan a thunderstorm using a weather radar?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Instruments

4. On a 3 bar VASIS system, the upwind and middle bars are for what Eye to Wheel Height?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Instruments

5. A pilot is flying at 18,000 feet and forgot to reset the altimeter from 30.02 to 29.92. What will the aircraft’s actual/true altitude above the ground be?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

6. When a PROB forecast is used to determine an alternate airport. The forecasted PROB condition:

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

7. Where does cold air move at a stationary front?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

8. The 250 mb Upper Air Analysis Chart corresponds to which altitude?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

9. On this high level Prognostic Chart. What is the forecasted turbulence located at 35 degrees North?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

10. Compare the METAR to the TAF for CYFC. What is the ceiling and visibility trend at 1200Z ?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

11. A jet aircraft in cruise experiences an OAT of – 20 C. After landing, the aircraft experiences an OAT +8C/ Dew Point +7C with humid conditions.

What is most likely to occur?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

12. What would happen if you encountered wind shear with a sudden tailwind (loss of headwind) on approach?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

13. Where is the strongest turbulence associated with a jet stream most likely to occur?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

14. Which of the following has the highest catch rate?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

15. What is the IFR Alternate minimum when there are 2 or more precision approaches available, to two separate runways?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

16. On final approach, you find yourself high with excess airspeed, what is the best way to slow the airplane down?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

17. When does wake turbulence begin on departure, and on approach how can you avoid wake turbulence from the other aircraft?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

18. Empty Operating Weight is 20,000 lbs; Crew weight, oil, fluid, equipment is 1500 lbs; Zero Fuel Weight is 30,000 lbs. What is the Payload?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

19. CYYR Runway 29. Wind 300 M @ 30 knots. What is the minimum safe CRFI to land on Runway 29?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

20. The CG of an 8,000 lb aircraft is found to be 1.5 inches ‘forward of the forward limit’. You must move baggage from compartment 1 (120 inches) to compartment 2 (210 inches). What is the weight to be moved in order to takeoff within the CG limits?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

21. With reference to the Accelerate Go – Flaps zero chart.

What is the Takeoff Weight given the following conditions?

OAT 24 C
Headwind 22 Knots
Takeoff Field Length: 6000 ft
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

22. Calculate the fuel requirements for a VFR Propellor driven aeroplane operated at night. The weather is forecasting thunderstorms at destination.

Taxi Fuel: 40 lbs
Cruise burn: 500 lbs/hour
Climb burn: 600 lbs/hour
Contingency 45 mins: 375 lbs
Holding Fuel: 250 lbs
Flight time: 2 hours
Time to climb: 20  mins

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

Calculate the wind direction given the following conditions?
GS: 120 knots
TAS: 144 knots
Mag Track: 105 degrees Magnetic
Variation: 15 degrees East
True Heading: 093 degrees True
Wind Speed: 25 knots


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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

24. What area of the aircraft should be de-iced or anti-iced first?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

25. When conducting a pre-takeoff inspection for contamination, which area must you focus?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

26. On approach you are fast, what is the best way to slow down after landing?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

27. You on the glide slope using VASI LIGHTS, what would the lights look like?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

28. If an aircraft’s TEMAC 245 in; LEMAC 125 in; CG 160 in. What is the %MAC?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

29. You are about to depart on a flight and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?
TAS: 340 knots
Track: 110 M
Wind at FL310: 170 M @ 80 knots
Wind at FL330: 150 M @ 120 knots
OAT: – 45 C
Pressure Altitude:
Fuel Flow: 2000 lbs/hour

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

30. Refer to the Loading Charts for this question. The answer you obtain from this question will be used to answer the next 2 questions. (Assume the wing and fuselage tanks were full at the gate but you burnt 30 IMP gallons of fuel during the taxi; the LEMAC 253.964 and MAC 90.197) What is the takeoff CG expressed in MAC%?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

31. Based on the previous aircraft %MAC loading question. Is the aircraft within the approved CG envelope?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

32. Refer to the Kingston CYGK airport chart. With an aircraft EWH of 12 feet. Which runway(s) can you use?

Note: The following chart is not for navigation and is reproduced with permission from NAVCANADA.

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

33. Which of the following statements apply when flying a GPS overlay approach. Select the best 2 answers:

a) Pilot established waypoints can be created for situational awareness.

b) Although it is recommended to monitor the underlying approach, it not required;

c) Ensure RAIM is available +/- 60 mins of the ETA; 

d) The underlying VOR, NDB must be operative for on overlay approach.


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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

34. When temperatures are below 0°C. Which altitudes must be temperature compensated?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

35. With respect to seatbelt, the pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

36. What are the V1 and V2 speeds respectively?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

37. What is Vref and Vb?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

38. Define Critical Mach Number?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

39. A pilot is flying a pressurized aircraft in VFR conditions at 41,000 feet ASL with no quick donning oxygen mask. At what altitude must a pilot put on an oxygen mask?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

40. If a pilot in a twin engine turbo-prop airplane is flying IFR but in VMC conditions that has experienced lost communications. What would you do?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

41. ETOPS operations are those operations conducted with a twin engine airplane over a specified route that contains a point further than ________ flying time at the approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed from an adequate airport.

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

42. For an air operator of aeroplanes to qualify to conduct a flight under IFR without naming an alternate aerodrome on the flight plan the following weather conditions shall be met:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

43. You have a CPL with a type rating endorsed on your licence. What aircraft can you fly?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

44. You are on a 2 hour flight Eastbound. What is the maximum altitude you can fly without carrying supplemental oxygen for the entire duration of the flight?

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Category: IATRA – Navigation

45. Aircraft is flying at 18,000 ft. Elevation is 1000 feet. How far back can you pick up the VOR signal for navigation?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

46. Calculate the %MAC under the following condition?

LEMAC: 130 inches; MAC: 62 inches; CG:  150 inches

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

47. Wake turbulence associated with wing tip vortices generate the maximum strength under the following conditions:

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

48. What are the symptoms of a tailplane stall?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

49. Pick the closest TAS under the following conditions:

CAS 199 knots; Pressure altitude at flight level FL240; OAT -30 (minus 30 C).

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

50. Transport Canada advises pilots not to fly before 12 hours since they last had a drink. What part of the body does alcohol stay the longest?

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

51. You see that the Captain is doing something wrong what should you do?

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

52. When you are following your checklist but you then get interrupted, you must?

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

53. Why does alcohol affect your balance/orientation after excessive drinking; even after 24 hours?

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Category: IATRA – Radio Communications and Aids to Navigation

54. Which of the following statements is true?

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Category: IATRA – Radio Communications and Aids to Navigation

55. A pilot climbing from FL180 to FL220 has an altimeter set to 30.22 instead of transitioning to 29.92. Once the aircraft is level at FL220, what will be indicated to the Air Traffic Controller?

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