IATRA Practice Exam 2

This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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IATRA Practice Exam 2

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1. Take-off distance available (TODA) is the length of the takeoff run available plus:

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2. Cold-soaking can be caused by fueling an aircraft with cold fuel. Where fuel tanks are located in the wings of aircraft, the temperature of the fuel greatly affects the temperature of the wing surface above and below these tanks. If there is rain or high humidity:

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3. After you have de-iced your airplane, you taxi to the runway, you must ensure:

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4. What is the purpose of a Stopway?

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5. What is ETOPS?

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6. Empty Operating Weight is 35,000 lbs; Crew weight, oil, fluid, equipment is 3,000 lbs; Zero Fuel Weight is 54,000 lbs. What is the Payload?

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7. CYVR Runway 26R. Wind 310 M @ 20 knots. What is the minimum safe CRFI to land on Runway 26R?

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8. The CG of an 18,000 lb aircraft is found to be 2.0 inches ‘forward of the forward limit’. You must move baggage from compartment 1 (150 inches) to compartment 2 (240 inches). What is the weight to be moved in order to takeoff within the CG limits?

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9. You are flying Eastbound and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?

Track: 090°M

TAS 120 knots

FL310 and FL350 Fuel Flow: 1,000 lbs/hour

FL310 winds: 320° M @ 20 knots

FL350 winds: 270° @ 50 knots

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10. The answer you obtain from this question will be used to solve the next question.

Calculate the Critical Point for an Eastbound Flight from CYYT (St. John’s, NL, Canada) to EINN (Shannon, Ireland)?

Total Distance: 1125 NM

TAS: 200 Knots; Track 065 M; Wind 265 M @ 140 knots

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11. Based on the previous question: Determine the Time to the Critical Point?

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12. What is the maximum cruising altitude you can be at on a 2 hour VFR flight eastbound without oxygen available?

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13. No air operator shall permit a person to act and no person shall act as the pilot-in-command, second-in-command or cruise relief pilot of a commercial aircraft unless the person:

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14. No person shall operate over water a single-engined aeroplane, or a multi-engined aeroplane that is UNABLE to maintain flight with any engine failed:

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15. When flying IFR, what must you advice ATC of and obtain an amended clearance before changing:

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16. You depart from Altimeter Setting Region, climbing into Standard Pressure Region, when do you reset your altimeter to 29.92?

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17. Every person who brings into use a new volume of an existing technical record shall make the entries relating to the preceding volume that are

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18. The pilot at the flight controls of an aircraft shall use an oxygen mask if

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19. An aircraft operated in IFR flight shall carry an amount of fuel that is sufficient to allow the aircraft, in the case of a propeller-driven aeroplane:

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20. No private operator shall assign flight duty period to a flight crew member, and no flight crew member shall accept such an assignment, if the flight crew member’s flight duty period would, as a result, exceed

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21. When flying VFR into Class C airspace you must ensure:

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22. The pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

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23. When flying in a designated mountainous region. The minimum IFR altitude to overfly zones 1 and zone 5 are:

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24. The operator in respect to an aircraft is:

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25. What is the minimum fuel required for an IFR turbojet aircraft with an alternate?

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26. If an aircraft experiences a communication failure prior to entering controlled airspace:

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27. The recency requirement for a pilot:

Have flown as PIC or co-pilot within the previous 5 years


Have successfully completed both a flight review conducted by a flight instructor and the appropriate written examinations specified in the personnel licensing standards within the previous 12 months.


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28. The regulations require life rafts over water for a Multi Engine that is ABLE to maintain flight with single engine:

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29. What is the purpose of Crew Resource Management (CRM)?

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30. What is a major contributor to CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)?

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31. How to determine height of thunderstorm by using WX RADAR?

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32. What is the Takeoff Safety Speed?

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33. How do  you calculate the Maximum Payload you can carry?

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34. The correct procedure for encountering increased performance windshear caused by an increased headwind

on approach is to:

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35. Calculate the %MAC under the following condition?

LEMAC: 152 inches; MAC: 74 inches; CG:  170 inches

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36. What mechanism prevents a propellor from reversing in-flight?

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37. When operating a turboprop engine in Beta mode,

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38. Wing tip vortices are the strongest when:

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39. What is a Hung Start/N2 Stagnation?

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40. When jet stream turbulence is encountered in a crosswind situation, pilots wanting to cross the CAT area more quickly should, either climb or descend based on temperature change. If temperature is rising:

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41. What does a weather radar detect?

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42. Surface winds on a GFA are shown when the wind speed is at least

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43. On charts for standard isobaric surfaces such as the 250 mbs charts, 30 kt isotachs spaced closer than 90 NM indicate:

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44. What is the characteristics of Clear Ice?

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45. The 700 mb Upper Air Analysis Chart corresponds to which altitude?

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46. What is the formula for Specific Ground Range?

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47. An aircraft can receive the following information from a VORTAC?

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48. When does a DME indicate the greatest error? When the aircraft is:

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49. Which of the following is true with regards to GNSS stand alone approaches.

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50. Aircraft is flying at 35,000 ft. Elevation is 800 feet. How far back can you pick up the VOR signal for navigation?

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