IATRA Practice Exam 1


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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IATRA Practice Exam 1

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

1. The purpose of a compress bleed valve in a gas turbine engine is to:

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

2. You are flying an just encountered a TCAS Resolution Advisory, you must:

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

3. With regards to thrust reversers on turbofan engines, which of the following statements is true:

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

4. What is Reverted Rubber Hydroplaning?

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

5. Undesired propeller reversing in flight is prevented by;

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

6. What are the uses of an Auxiliary Power unit?

  1. Starting a jet engine.
  2. Aircraft anti-icing on the ground before takeoff.
  3. Air conditioning or heating on the ground.
  4. To operate the hydraulic systems on the ground.
  5. To generate electrical power.



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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

7. What height does a Radar Altimeter read?

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

8. What causes a compressor stall?

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Category: IATRA – Airframes, Engine, Propellors, and Aircraft Systems

9. Define E.P.R.?

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Category: SAMRA – Meteorology Theory

10. Which of the following increases a Whiteout condition on approach to a snow covered runway?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

11. You are departing IFR from an uncontrolled aerodrome, and it has been 60 mins since your scheduled departure time but you have not advised ATC:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

12. When are your required to file an alternate on an IFR flight plan?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

13. If an aircraft without an approved Minimum Equipment List, is required to have a Cockpit Voice Recorder and a Flight Data Recorder, if the Cockpit Voice Recorder is unserviceable; you must:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

14. How soon after an accident should you report the occurrence to the Transportation Safety Board?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

15. What is the normal maximum flight duty time?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

16. Before departure, you find that multiple fuel quantity indicators are inoperative. You:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

17. What is the minimum time you must not fly after consuming alcohol?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

18. No aircraft should be operated below 10,000 feet at what speed?

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

19. How long must you wait to go flying if you went under anesthesia for a dental procedure?

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

20. When is a Controlled Flight into Terrain most likely to occur:

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Category: IATRA – Human Factors

21. You have just conducted a Missed Approach and have entered into cloud. What sensations can you expect?

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Category: IATRA – Radio Communications and Aids to Navigation

22. The most reliable signal for an ILS is up to 10 NM out to an angle of ___ either side of the centreline.

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

23. What does SHRA mean?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

24. When the clouds are reported as 5/8 oktas, that represents?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

25. When would a SIGMET be issued?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

26. Assuming you are flying towards a Winter Warm Front, and you are in the lower flight levels where the cold air mass lies. Assuming you encounter ice pellets, this tells you that:

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

27. What does this symbol on the upper level chart represent?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

28. At what flight level is the jet-stream depicted below?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

29. What is a VOLMET?

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Category: IATRA – Meteorology

30. The 850 mb Upper Air Analysis Chart corresponds to which altitude?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

31. When the runways is contaminated, the CRFI reports when the runway contamination is:

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

32. One engine is kept running during a quick turnaround in icing conditions because it is not possible to restart it with existing internal or external power. When taxiing for takeoff, a significant amount of wet snow on the aircraft is discovered. Operating instructions require both engines to be shut down for de-icing, a pilot should:

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

33. How is Hold Over Time calculated for de-icing?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

34. What is required for a LAHSO?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

35. What is the purpose of a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

36. Type II and IV, anti-icing fluids are NOT to be used for which types of aircraft?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

37. Empty Operating Weight is 40,000 lbs; Crew weight, oil, fluid, equipment is 2500 lbs; Zero Fuel Weight is 50,000 lbs. What is the Payload?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

38. You are landing at the Hamilton airport (CYHM) on Runway 30. The ATIS mentions the wind is 330° M @ 20 knots. What is the minimum safe CRFI to land on Runway 30?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

39. The CG of an 20,000 lb aircraft is found to be 1.5 inches ‘aft of the aft limit’. You must move baggage from compartment 2 (280 inches) to compartment 1 (140 inches). What is the weight to be moved in order to takeoff within the CG limits?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

40. You are flying Westbound and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?


SAR: 0.30 NM/lb

SGR: 0.24 NM/lb


SAR: 0.29 NM/lb

SGR: 0.26 NM/lb

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

41. The answer you obtain from this question will be used to solve the next question.

Calculate the Critical Point for an Eastbound Flight from CYYT (St. John’s, NL, Canada) to EINN (Shannon, Ireland)?

Total Distance: 1800 NM

TAS: 240 Knots; Track 090 M; Wind 045 M @ 75 knots

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Category: IATRA – Flight Operations

42. Based on the previous question: Determine the Time to the Critical Point?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

43. In the Canada Air Pilot, which takeoff distance includes a Clearway?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

44. What is the critical engine failure recognition speed?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

45. Vortex Generators are used on aircraft wings to?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

46. What causes a Tail Plane Stall?

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Category: IATRA – Theory of Flight

47. Calculate the %MAC under the following condition?

 LEMAC: 142 inches; MAC: 64 inches; CG:  160 inches

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Category: IATRA – Flight Instruments

48. What does a Machmeter do?

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Category: IATRA – Flight Instruments

49. What is the enroute, terminal and Non-precision approach limits for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring?

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Category: IATRA – Navigation

50. Aircraft is flying at 30,000 ft. Elevation is 500 feet. How far back can you pick up the VOR signal for navigation?

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