How to navigate tough times as a Pilot

Hey friend, are you going through some challenging times right now. It could be a job loss, relationship breakdown, or financial burdens. I’ve been there a few times in my career and each time it was tough on me mentally and emotionally.

However, each one of those events propelled me to higher heights. It doesn’t feel like it right now but you’ve got to trust that this is a blessing. Good things are in store for you only if you decide. You have to decide right now if you are going to be bitter or better.

Don’t do what they expect

The world is probably expecting you to be down low, sobbing, isolated, feeling sorry for yourself. I want you to DO the OPPOSITE of that.

One of the worse things I did was complain about my situation to family and friends. I was looking for pity and understanding. And I got a lot of it. But, none of that helped my situation. I became a victim and became even more angry and in turn received even more coddling from my loved ones. It wasn’t until I stopped feeling sorry for myself that everything changed for the better.

Yes, what happened to you may be unfair but you’re not going to let it bring you down. Take sometime and cry it out, let off some steam. Now get back to rebuilding. Like a Phoenix you can now rise from the ashes. Become whatever you want in the exact way you want it to be.

Get Physical

Yes, get moving. Go for a regular walks, bike rides, swimming, hiking, run or hit the weights. Stick with this routine for a few months. You’ll feel great and the energy you’ll gain will make you focus on bettering yourself.

Get Mental

Learn something new. Pick up a book, learn a new skill that you’ve always wanted to do before but didn’t have the time. For me it was learning languages and playing the guitar. Find something that will excite you. As a beginner, your initial improvement will be large in any new endeavour.

Get Social

I’m not talking about being on social media. Actually, if you can logoff completely for a period of a few months it will have the most immediate improvement on your mood. I personally went off for 8 months and found rather painfully that no body even cared or missed my online presence. Cut everything off Instagram, facebook, snapchat, even the daily news.

Now go hang out with real friends. Call your family on the phone. Develop real relationships with people. Really get to know them on a deeper level. For a lot of pilots this is hard. We like everyone else to know us and think we’re so cool. But, really try and learn about someone else. Be a good friend and family member. This will make you see that there is more to life than just your job or finances.

Why do all this?

Well you can only give when you have a full cup. You’ve been depleted with all your losses. By getting physical, using your mind to learn something, and making deeper connections with real people in person. You will fill your cup.

When the time is right you’ll find the opportunities just come to you instead of you chasing. You’ll be more grounded and have a better quality of life. Stick with the above plan for 6 months and come back and report to me. A mentally, physically, emotionally reailiant pilot is also a safe pilot.

All the best my friend.

2 thoughts on “How to navigate tough times as a Pilot”

  1. How long is a pilot supposed to hold onto a positive attitude before it becomes futile? I have been trying for over 30 years now. There are plenty of jobs but few good ones.

    1. It’s even better to have your own business and fly for fun. If you can’t or don’t want to do that. Then find a pilot job that you like and stay with it for a long time. Seniority is rewarded more as a pilot even though it doesn’t mean you’re better than a new hire. So, if you’re ok with seniority then become an airline pilot. If not then start your own business and fly for fun

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