CPL Practice Exam 8


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CPL Exam

CPL Practice Exam 8

General Knowledge Section

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

1. Aspect ratio is the ratio of a wing’s span to the _________. A high aspect ratio wings are generally _________ efficient as they produce ________ drag.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

2. In a climb, an airspeed indicator with a blocked pitot tube will show:

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

3. Differential ailerons help to eliminate ___________.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

4. What is the purpose of vortex generators?

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Category: CPL – Meteorology | Section 3

5. What affect will occur when the Centre of Gravity is moved to a forward position but still within acceptable limits?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

6. Explain how dihedral affects stability?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

7. If an airplane stalls in a coordinated climbing right turn, __________________________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

8. What is the acronym FADEC and what does FADEC do well?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

9. In a normally aspirated engine, as density altitude increases, power output _________. If the mixture is not leaned at high altitudes the fuel to air mixture becomes, ________ this results in a _________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

10. A turbo charger is powered by __________________ and a supercharger is powered by ________________, and compresses the ___________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

11. What is the purpose of a control horn balance? 

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

12. You suspect carb icing and notice a sudden drop in engine rpm followed by rough running. You immediately apply carb heat, the roughness of the engine continues to get worse. What is the cause?

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Category: CPL – Flight Instruments | Section 6

13. What is the current aircraft turn state?

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Category: CPL – Flight Instruments | Section 6

14. In a climb the pilot notices that the airspeed indicator shows an increase in speed. The pilot then pulls the nose higher but the airspeed still increases.  Which of the following is true?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

15. In level flight cruising, you plan to slow down from 80 mph to 60 mph. In order to continue maintaining altitude you should?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

16. When Carb heat is applied what happens to the fuel to air ratio?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

17. Which of the following is true regarding diesel engines?

  1. It does not require a mixture control, carburetor heat, or ignition control.
  2. It also a mixture control, carburetor heat, or ignition control.
  3. Diesel engines have fewer moving parts than gasoline engines.
  4. The air/fuel mixture used in a diesel engine is ignited by heat resulting from the piston’s compression of air into the top of the cylinder.
  5. It requires a separate source to produce an electric current to ignite a spark plug.
  6. It uses a glow plug to aid starting of the engine in cold weather.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

18. ____________ is combustion that begins before it is intended to, before the regular timed spark. ___________ is uncontrolled burning of the fuel/air mixture throughout the cylinders.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

19. Using fuel with too low of an octane rating can cause ________________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

20. Carburetor icing occurs in a temperature range between _____________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

21. With respect to the power curve, flight for max range will be _______________.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

22. Under what conditions will an aircraft produce the greatest wingtip vortices?

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

23. Hyperventilation is an increased rate and depth of breathing. Some of the symptoms of hyperventilation are dizziness and _________________

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

24. On approach to a wet runway, the aircraft tires are inflated to 85 psi. What speed would you expect this aircraft to hydroplane?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

25. What is Reverted Rubber Hydroplaning?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

26. What is Dynamic Hydroplanning?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

27. What is the EWH for category P2 PAPI?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

28. For any given angle of bank, the lower the airspeed, the ________ the radius of turn. The higher the angle of bank, the __________ the turn radius.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

29. When thrust and drag are equal and opposite, and when lift and weight are equal and opposite, the airplane is said to be in a state of ___________.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

30. Centripetal force pulls an aircraft to the ____________. Centrifugal force pushes an aircraft to the ___________.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

31. Calculate the stall speed for a C172 in a 60 degree bank turn given the following:

Stall speed (Vs – clean config): 48 knots

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

32. An aircraft with a stall speed using full flaps is 36 knots KCAS (Vso). Calculate the minimum safe landing speed?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

33. What is the purpose of a wing fence?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

34. Roughness of frost on a wing disrupts the smooth airflow over the wing. This then ______ the stall speed and _____ stall angle of attack

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

35. Which of these following statements is true regarding stalling?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

36. What happens to the centre of pressure as angle of attack is increased?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

37. What are characteristics of a more rearward CG?

  1. Higher stall speed
  2. Lower stall speed
  3. More nose up attitude
  4. More dose down attitude
  5. Less stable
  6. More stable
  7. Less fuel efficient (more drag)
  8. More fuel efficient (less drag)
  9. Poor stall recovery characteristics
  10. Good stall recovery characteristics

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

38. What are characteristics of a more forward CG?

  1. Higher stall speed
  2. Lower stall speed
  3. More nose up attitude
  4. More dose down attitude
  5. Less stable
  6. More stable
  7. Less fuel efficient (more drag)
  8. More fuel efficient (less drag)
  9. Poor stall recovery characteristics
  10. Good stall recovery characteristics

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

39. As the aircraft’s weight increases, the _______________.

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

40. ______ is the best angle of climb speed and ______ there best rate of climb speed.

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

41. The max maneuvering speed, which is highest speed at which flight controls can be fully deflected with structural damage, is known as _____.

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

42. The speed at which flaps may be fully extended for full flaps, also known as the top of the white arc is __________.

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

43. The speed to avoid exceeded unless in smooth air, shown as the “top of the green arc” is known as _______; and the never exceed speed, shown as the “red line speed” is known as _______.

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

44. What is the max speed at which landing gear can be safely extended or retracted?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

45. Asymmetric thrust is ____________________________________.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

46. With a constant speed propeller, when the blade angle is increased, what happens to the RPM?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

47. What are the differences between parasite drag and induced drag?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

48. A high aspect ratio ________ induced drag.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

49. If a pilot reduces the power it causes the nose to drop. What is the reason for this?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

50. In a constant speed propeller (That relies on counterweights), the blade angle is controlled by the governor. What happens to the pitch of the blade when oil pressure is lost?

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

51. What is one of the first indications of carburetor ice involving a constant speed propeller?

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

52. __________ is colourless, tasteless, odourless, will be absorbed by the blood 210 times more easily than oxygen. It can cause a pilot to feel sluggishness, warmness, ringing in the ears, intense headaches, dizziness, dimming of vision and could eventually lead to vomiting convulsions, coma and death.

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

53. The pilot of an aircraft is on approach to a runway that is more upslope than he/she is familiar with. This may create the illusion of the pilot being _____ and may tend to  ______ the approach.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

54. Ice on a wing that is like coarse sandpaper can cause a loss of lift by ____ and an increase in drag of ___.

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

55. What is profile/form drag?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

56. You departed with an altimeter setting of 29.80 inches. After cruising at 5,000, you check the AWOS at a nearby airport and it shows an altimeter setting of 30.12 inches. What altitude are you actually at?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

57. What is the estimated TAS at 6000′ if the CAS is 100 knots?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

58. In aviation terms what do we consider contamination/ clean aircraft concept?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

59. What is the Cold-Soaking phenomenon? (select all that apply)

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

60. This type of hypoxia is caused by the reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen. To the pilot, this means that, even though there is an adequate supply of oxygen to breathe, the blood’s capacity to carry the oxygen to the cells has been impaired.

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

61. How long must you wait to fly after consuming alcohol?

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Category: CPL – Human Factors | Section 8

62. How long must you wait to fly after donating blood?

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Category: CPL – Flight Operations | Section 7

63. Choose one of the following that best describes the cold soaking phenomenon.

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Category: CPL – Airframes, Engines, and Systems | Section 4

64. While cruising at 8,500 feet MSL, the fuel/air mixture is properly adjusted. What will occur if a descent to 3,000 feet MSL is made without readjusting the mixture?

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Category: CPL – Theory of Flight | Section 5

65. _________________ is the actual distance a prop moves in one revolution. ___________________ is the theoretical distance it would travel forward in one revolution if the propeller was working in a perfect fluid. The difference between the two types of pitch is called ___________.

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