IATRA Air Law Only


This is a timed 2 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 80%.


IATRA Air Law Only

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

1. You are on a 2 hour flight Eastbound. What is the maximum altitude you can fly without carrying supplemental oxygen for the entire duration of the flight?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

2. Before departure, you find that multiple fuel quantity indicators are inoperative. You:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

3. When are your required to file an alternate on an IFR flight plan?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

4. If an aircraft without an approved Minimum Equipment List, is required to have a Cockpit Voice Recorder and a Flight Data Recorder, if the Cockpit Voice Recorder is unserviceable; you must:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

5. How soon after an accident should you report the occurrence to the Transportation Safety Board?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

6. You are departing IFR from an uncontrolled aerodrome, and it has been 60 mins since your scheduled departure time but you have not advised ATC:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

7. You have a CPL with a type rating endorsed on your licence. What aircraft can you fly?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

8. For an air operator of aeroplanes to qualify to conduct a flight under IFR without naming an alternate aerodrome on the flight plan the following weather conditions shall be met:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

9. ETOPS operations are those operations conducted with a twin engine airplane over a specified route that contains a point further than ________ flying time at the approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed from an adequate airport.

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

10. If a pilot in a twin engine turbo-prop airplane is flying IFR but in VMC conditions that has experienced lost communications. What would you do?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

11. A pilot is flying a pressurized aircraft in VFR conditions at 41,000 feet ASL with no quick donning oxygen mask. At what altitude must a pilot put on an oxygen mask?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

12. Define Critical Mach Number?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

13. What is Vref and Vb?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

14. What are the V1 and V2 speeds respectively?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

15. With respect to seatbelt, the pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

16. The successful completion of the IATRA allows a commercial pilot with min. 250 hours to:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

17. On an IFR approach, ATC has now cleared for “for an approach”. This means:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

18. What is the Floor and Ceiling of the Arctic Control area?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

19. What is the Floor and Ceiling of the Northern Control area?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

20. Where are the dimensions of the ADIZ specified?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

21. The pilot-in-command of a VFR aircraft shall revise the estimated time and point of ADIZ entry and inform an air traffic control unit, a flight service station or a community aerodrome radio station, when the aircraft is not expected to arrive within:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

22. No person shall operate an aircraft unless, the Cockpit Voice Recorder, is operated continuously:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

23. Below 3,000 ft AGL within 10 NM of a control zone. The maximum speed allowed is:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

24. The major purpose of the Transportation Safety Board is to:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

25. The airport you plan to use as an alternate has a single runway, with 2 usable precision approaches on each end. What is the IFR Alternate weather minimums?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

26. What is the Alternate IFR Weather minima for when there is no IFR approach available?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

27. In the event of a Minimum Fuel Advisory you must advise ATC as soon as possible and:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

28. No person shall operate an aircraft with passengers on board in IMC when current weather reports or forecasts indicate that thunderstorms may reasonably be expected along the route to be flown, unless:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

29. This questions refers to a multi-engined turbine-powered aircraft that is configured for six or more passenger seats and for which two pilots are required by the aircraft type certificate.

Where an MEL has not been approved by the Minister. The CVR may be unserviceable:


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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

30. A pilot shall notify as soon as practicable an air traffic control unit

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

31. If an aircraft experiences a communication failure prior to entering controlled airspace:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

32. The recency requirement for a pilot:

Have flown as PIC or co-pilot within the previous 5 years


Have successfully completed both a flight review conducted by a flight instructor and the appropriate written examinations specified in the personnel licensing standards within the previous 12 months.


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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

33. The regulations require life rafts over water for a Multi Engine that is ABLE to maintain flight with single engine:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

34. What is the minimum fuel required for an IFR turbojet aircraft with an alternate?

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35. The operator in respect to an aircraft is:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

36. When flying in a designated mountainous region. The minimum IFR altitude to overfly zones 1 and zone 5 are:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

37. The pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

38. When flying VFR into Class C airspace you must ensure:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

39. No private operator shall assign flight duty period to a flight crew member, and no flight crew member shall accept such an assignment, if the flight crew member’s flight duty period would, as a result, exceed

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

40. An aircraft operated in IFR flight shall carry an amount of fuel that is sufficient to allow the aircraft, in the case of a propeller-driven aeroplane:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

41. The pilot at the flight controls of an aircraft shall use an oxygen mask if

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

42. Every person who brings into use a new volume of an existing technical record shall make the entries relating to the preceding volume that are

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

43. You depart from Altimeter Setting Region, climbing into Standard Pressure Region, when do you reset your altimeter to 29.92?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

44. When flying IFR, what must you advice ATC of and obtain an amended clearance before changing:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

45. What is the maximum cruising altitude you can be at on a 2 hour VFR flight eastbound without oxygen available?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

46. No air operator shall permit a person to act and no person shall act as the pilot-in-command, second-in-command or cruise relief pilot of a commercial aircraft unless the person:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

47. No person shall operate over water a single-engined aeroplane, or a multi-engined aeroplane that is UNABLE to maintain flight with any engine failed:

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

48. No aircraft should be operated below 10,000 feet at what speed?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

49. What is the minimum time you must not fly after consuming alcohol?

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Category: IATRA – Air Law and Procedures

50. What is the normal maximum flight duty time?

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