SAMRA Exam 3


This is a timed 2 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 80%.

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SAMRA Practice Exam 3

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1 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

1. A pilot flying under CVFR in class B and just had 2 way lost communications. What must the pilot do?

2 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

2. What is one of the purposes of an autopilot?

3 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

3. In the Northern Control Area (NCA), when must you report your position when flying a North - South track?


4 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

4. Which of the following best describes Mandatory IFR routes?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

5. Which of the following best describes how multilateration (MLAT) detects aircraft on the ground?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

6. Which of the following is NOT true with respect to ADS-B?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

7. What is true for GPS stand alone and overlay approaches (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

8. Which of the following techniques is used when scanning clouds with weather radar?

9 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

9. Which of the following is NOT correct with respect to Mode S transponders?

10 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

10. You are flying Eastbound and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?

Track: 090°M

TAS 120 knots

FL310 and FL350 Fuel Flow: 1,000 lbs/hour

FL310 winds: 320° M @ 20 knots

FL350 winds: 270° @ 50 knots

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

11. What does a Machmeter do?

12 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

12. What is the principal of operation of a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)?

13 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

13. A Stormscope detects which of the following?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

14. Which of the following statements are true regarding VHF and HF?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

15. The altimeter setting is derived from:

16 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

16. What is the effect of cold temperature on a stabilized constant descent angle (SCDA)?


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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

17. How does an Inertial Navigation System (INS) work?

18 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

18. The failure of a Radio altimeter (RADALT) affects which other system? 

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

19. What is not included in a Cockpit Management System?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

20. You are planning on conducting a GNSS approach. There is WAAS NOTAM that says LPV is temporarily not available. Can you still conduct the approach?

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Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

21. You are about to depart on a flight and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?
TAS: 340 knots
Track: 110 M
Wind at FL310: 170 M @ 80 knots
Wind at FL330: 150 M @ 120 knots
Fuel Flow: 2000 lbs/hour

22 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

22. You are flying Eastbound and have 2 different cruising altitudes to choose from. Which one will give you the greatest range?

Track: 090°M

TAS 120 knots

FL310 and FL350 Fuel Flow: 1,000 lbs/hour

FL310 winds: 320° M @ 20 knots

FL350 winds: 270° @ 50 knots

23 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Radio Navigation

23. ATC informs you that they have a target on primary surveillance radar (PSR). This means that they have the target's _________.

24 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

24. Decode the following information on GFA:


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

25. TCAS/ACAS 1 provide?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

26. How can a pilot determine the pressure altitude?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

27. What do these clouds on the satellite picture (within the red lines) represent?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

28. What do the follow radar returns imply?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

29. Refer to the following GFA. What is the synoptic depiction of Winnipeg?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

30. Refer to the METAR and SPECI below. What is the lowest visibility reported?

SPECI CYUL 220025Z 28011G18KT 2SM -RA BR SCT008 BKN020 OVC045 13/12 A2920 RMK SF4SC1SC3 SLP889 DENSITY ALT 800FT=

METAR CYYZ 220000Z 29012KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR BKN008 OVC020 13/12 A2920 RMK SF6SC2 SLP889 VIS NE 1 DENSITY ALT 800FT 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

31. On approach you notice shallow fog in the landing zone. What does this mean for you?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

32. What should pilots be aware of when using Surface Analysis charts for pre-flight briefings?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

33. If the 30 knot isotachs are spaced closer than 90 NM on an upper level chart, what does this indicate?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

34. What does the term VV003 mean?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

35. Over flat terrain with a large body of water, there is turbulence. What is probable cause for this?

36 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

36. Decode the following PIREP: (select the best 2 answers)

OV YHZ 15025/ FL013/ SK 15BKN45/

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

Contour lines on the 250 mb chart represent ___________________.


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

38. What would make an aircraft's indicated altitude be lower in relation to its true altitude?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

39. Decode the following METAR report:


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

40. When would a SIGMET not be issued?

41 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

41. Which of the following is not a true statement with regards to the SIGMET below?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

42. Calculate the fuel requirements for an IFR turbojet aeroplane operated at night. The weather is forecasting thunderstorms at destination.

Taxi Fuel: 100 lbs
Cruise burn: 1100 lbs/hour
Climb burn: 2000 lbs/hour

Alternate Fuel: 1000 lbs
Contingency fuel: 300 lbs
Flight time: 4 hours
Time to climb: 20  mins

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

43. Decode the following SIGMET:

WSCN31 CWEG 042038
SIGMET E5 VALID 042035/050035 CWEG-
/N5005 W12732/30 S CYZT SFC/FL040 STNR NC

44 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

44. Decode the following SIGMET:

WSCN03 CWAO 162225
CZWG SIGMET A4 VALID 162225/170225 CWEG-


N5104 W09348 – N5209 W09120 TOP FL340 MOV E 15KT NC=

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

45. What is the condition of issue for a SIGMET?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

46. What is the condition of issue for an AIRMET?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

47. SIGMETs are valid for up to _____.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

48. Decode the following AIRMET

WACN23 CWAO 250725
CZWG AIRMET A1 VALID 250725/251125 CWEG-
/N5955 W09403/75 S CYEK – /N5845 W09404/ CYYQ – /N5646 W08903/60 NW CYER

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

49. Decode the following AIRMET

WACN02 CWAO 251315
CZEG AIRMET H1 VALID 251315/251715 CWEG-
N6228 W11427 – N6441 W10840 – N6453 W09605 FL190/340 MOV NE 10KT NC=

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

50. Decode the following PIREP:

UACN10 CYXU 032133 YZ UA /OV CYXU  /TM 2120 /FL080 /TP PA31 /SK 020BKN040 OVC006 /TA -12 /WV 030045 /TB MDT BLO 040 /IC LGT RIME 020-040 /RM NIL TURB CYYZ-CYHM

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

51. Decode the following PIREP

UACN10 CYEG 042357
UA /OV YYC 095050 /TM 2355 /FL090 /TP C208 /IC MOD RIME 090-120

UACN10 CYEG 042357
UA /OV YYC 360040 /TM 2355 /FLDURC /TP B737 /IC MOD MX 090-120 /RM

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Practical

52. Decode the following PIREP


UACN10 CYEV 042236
UA /OV CYEV /TM 2227 /FLDURD /TP AT43 /SK OVC032 /WV 240005 /RM ON APCH RWY 06

UACN10 CYEV 042245
UA /OV CYEV /TM 2250 /FLDURD /TP AT43 /SK OVC050 /WV 240060 /RM ON APCH RWY 06

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

53. What are the prominent fronts in Canada during the summer?

54 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

54. After receiving a clearance from ATC to climb, you receive a TCAS RA. You must?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

55. What is the principle of operation of ACAS/TCAS aircraft?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

56. Refer to the following GFA. Why is the Thunder Bay CYQT experiencing turbulence?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

57. What is the difference between relative humidity and the dew point spread?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

58. When air subsides, the relative humidity __________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

59. What temperature changes can a pilot expect when flying westbound through a trowal?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

60. Which of the following statements is true regarding a Trowal? 

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

61. Which of the following statements is true regarding an AWOS? (select the best 2 answers)

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

62. The tropopause is _____________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

63. The formation of a thunderstorm requires moisture, a lifting agent and ____________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

64. A low level jet (LLJ) is depicted on a GFA when it meets the following criteria:

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

65. In a coastal area, there is an airport at the mouth of a deep valley. It is experiencing strong gusty winds.  What is causing this?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

66. The vertical distance between the two pressure levels  ________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

67. Review the following METAR. How much of the ground is obscured?


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

68. Where can you find the presence of standing lenticular clouds in a mountain wave?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

69. Freezing precipitation can form in a warm rain process ______________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

70. Ice crystals ___________ if there are supercooled droplets in cloud.


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

71. What is a VOLMET?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

72. Decode the following Upper Wind and Temperature Forecast:


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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

73. What type of cloud would you expect to form due to mechanical turbulence when moist, stable air is present?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

74. Subsiding air, even if it is initially saturated, will ________________________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

75. A warming/ cooling process without exchanging heat is known as ____________.

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

76. How is Mean Sea Level pressure (MSL) calculated?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

77. The formation of clouds at a cold front is due to?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

78. Which of the following has a higher collection icing collection efficiency?

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Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

79. What temperature range and cloud type is Rime Icing likely to occur?

80 / 80

Category: SAMRA - Meteorology Theory

80. Vertical clouds formed in the center of low pressure area is due to ____________.

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