INRAT Exam 3


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INRAT Practice Exam 3

INRAT Practice Exam 3

For this exam you will need to download Appendix B from the course.

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Category: Uncategorized

1. Refer to 'Appendix B'. How many RVR's are at the CYYT airport?

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Category: Uncategorized

2. Refer to 'Appendix B'. Assuming you have the required charted visibility of 1/2 SM for takeoff on RWY29. Does this means that you will be safe from obstacles on departure?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

3. Refer to 'Appendix B'. You are holding short of runway 16 in CYYT and you suspect a localized phenomenon blocking the RVR sensors (as the rest of the airport and runway is visible).

Can you legally depart with the following weather report? (You don't have the OPS spec for RVOP/LVOP).

METAR CYYT 140000Z 14015G25KT 1/2SM R16/1800FT/D -RA BR BKN002 01/M01 A3003

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

4. Refer to 'Appendix B'. You plan to depart either on RWY34 or RWY 29 in CYYT (with no ops spec for RVOP/LVOP).

The winds are calm
Visibility is 1/4 SM
RVR for Runways's 34 and 29 is RVR 2600
RVR for Runway 16 is fluctuating between RVR 1800-2700

Can you depart CYYT and from which runways?

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Category: Uncategorized

5. What would be your alternate minima if the ILS RWY 29 was the only usable precision approach in CYYT?

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6. If the ILS RWY 29 was the only usable precision approach in CYYT and the weather forecast is, "1 SM -RA OVC008'.

Can you use CYYT as a legal alternate?

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7. You are at the gate in CYYT. Where would you get your IFR clearance?

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8. In CYYT, which runway has the lowest elevation and what is the magnetic runway direction?

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Category: Uncategorized

9. Refer to 'Appendix B'. How many instrument approaches are available for use at CYOW Ottawa airport, on the ILS07 chart?

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10. Refer to 'Appendix B, CYOW ILS RWY 07'. You are 25 NM West of the Ottawa airport at 8,000 ft. what is the lowest altitude you can descend down to?

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11. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYAY VOR/DME RWY 28"Approach plate:

You are on radar vectors at 6,000 ft when ATC clears you to the "CYAY airport for the VOR/DME RWY 28 approach, MERBO transition."

Assuming you tune into the YAY VOR and your DME reads 18 NM.

What is the minimum altitude you can descend to safely?

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Category: Uncategorized

12. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYAY VOR/DME RWY 28"Approach plate:

What is the landing minima?

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13. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYAY VOR/DME RWY 28"Approach plate:

During a missed approach. What type on entry would be used to enter the hold?

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14. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYAY VOR/DME RWY 28"Approach plate and the Cold Temperature Correction Chart.

What is the 100 NM safe altitude based on the Remote Altimeter Setting at CYBX?

METAR CYBX 141900Z 28015KT 5 SM BLSN VV005 M10/M20 A29.88

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

15. You are current tuned into the YUL VOR, with the CDI centered on the 100° radial. After 5 minutes you find yourself on the 140° radial.

Assuming your TAS is 120 knots. What is the distance and time to the VOR?

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Category: Uncategorized

16. An aircraft flying at 20,000 feet is showing 40 DME from the station. What is the distance of the aircraft from the DME station?

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Category: Uncategorized

17. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYOW ILS 07"Approach plate:

The winds are 250 @ 20 knots and your approach speed is 145 knots. You plan to do a circling maneuver from runway 07 onto runway 25. 

What is the lowest minimums you can descend to?

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Category: Uncategorized

18. Refer to the "Appendix B, CYOW RNAV (GNSS) Z RWY 25"Approach plate:

Assuming Ottawa was your alternate and this was the approach you planned to use. 

What would be the lowest alternate minima?


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Category: Uncategorized

19. You are departing from an uncontrolled airport with no tower and no access to FSS, you would squawk ____ on Mode A and Mode C if available

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20. When would you be able to use a cellphone to contact FSS in the airplane?

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21. What is indicated by the dotted area below the solid green line?


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22. You encounter ice crystals on your flight as you pass through a warm front. What type of precipitation and intensity can you expect as you continue?

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23. You are approaching an upslope runway in the rain. What illusion will be caused and what will the tendency of the pilot be?

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Category: Uncategorized

24. You are in the missed approach procedure and your airplane accelerates into IMC conditions. Due to disorientation of entering the clouds, the pilot who doesn't reference the instruments correctly might want to naturally do what?

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25. Your pitot tube becomes blocked. This means?

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26. NOTAM reads “ILS GS will be unserviceable from 1710200000 until aprx 1711010000” The following is true

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27. What is the meaning of 'X' in the Instrument Landing System approach chart?

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28. What does it mean if you don’t hear the Morse code after tuning to a VOR but, you are still receiving a VOR nav signal?

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29. You are taking off on a SID where no specific heading is published. After takeoff you must?

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30. What is the minimum obstacle clearance in a Non-Designated Mountainous Area and how far do you need to from the obstacle?

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Category: INRAT - Air Law and Procedures

31. When can you use a GNSS approach at both the destination and alternate airport?

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Category: Uncategorized

32. What is the maximum available tolerance when checking two VOR’s against each other?

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33. When you accept a change in airspeed from ATC, what is the speed tolerance you must maintain?

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34. You have two altimeters installed on the plane. You are at CZBB (Field Elevation: 5 feet). One altimeter reads 45 and the second altimeter reads 100. You are:

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Category: Uncategorized

35. Refer to "Appendix B, TAF CYXU". What is the worst reported visibility and cloud heights for London CYXU at 1300?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

36. What is true about RAIM?

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Category: Uncategorized

37. With reference to the ILS RWY 08R approach plate at Vancouver, you are currently at 3000’ ASL and plan on using the 3-degree constant descent angle. At what distance ____ DME would you start your descent and what height would you expect to cross the FAF?

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Category: Uncategorized

38. You are on final approach at an airport and ATC clears you for the "VOR Rwy 16 approach". As a backup, you have also tuned in the ILS ray 16, and later you notice the ILS is unserviceable. You must:

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Category: Uncategorized

39. With reference to the aerodrome chart at CYVR, which frequency would you use to receive your departure clearance from?

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Category: Uncategorized

40. With reference to the "Appendix B ILS RWY 08R" approach plate at Vancouver. You just started descending from 5000’ ASL and the glideslope fails on the ILS approach, what is the lowest height can you descend down to for a Non-Precision approach?

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41. What does the RVR A provide for the pilot?

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42. What are the characteristics of the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm?

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43. When would you make the initial call when approaching an uncontrolled aerodrome?

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44. What is true for GPS stand alone and overlay approaches (Choose correct answers of the following)

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45. With reference to the ILS RWY 13 approach plate at CYQX. What is the maximum DME can you complete the procedure turn?

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46. On final approach in the gander, you encounter an increased performance windshear and decide to execute a missed approach. What is the correct recovery?

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47. Which statement is true with regards to the following PIREP?
UACN10 CYQB 162047 
UA /OV CYUL 140020 /TM 2045 /FLDURD /TP A320 /IC MOD MX 100-050 

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

48. Refer to Appendix B Prince George CYXS airport plate.

How many RVR's does CYXS airport have and which runways can you rely on the PAPI lighting for an EWH (eye to wheel height) of 30 feet?

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Category: Uncategorized

49. Refer to Appendix B Prince George CYXS airport plate.

Before you pushed back from the gate at CYXS with the intent to depart from RWY 33, the RVR and METAR visibility was above minimums for that runway.

However, after you pushed back and started taxing you get the following METAR from ATC.

SPECI CYXS 301723Z 31005KT 1/4 SM R33/1200V2800FT FG 15/18 A2963 

Can you still legally taxi and depart?

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Category: Uncategorized

50. Refer to Appendix B Prince George CYXS airport plate.

You plan to depart runway 15 in CYXS using the SPEC VIS. Assume your aircraft climb speed is 140 knots.

What visibility is needed for you to depart?

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