INRAT Exam 2


This is a timed 3 hour practice exam with a minimum passing grade of 85%.

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INRAT Practice Exam 2

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Category: Uncategorized

1. An aircraft, when operated in accordance with IFR within designated mountainous regions; shall be flown at an altitude of at least ______ above the highest obstacle within 5NM of the aircraft in flight when in areas 1 and 5.

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Category: Uncategorized

2. The MSA, as depicted on the approach chart provides a minimum of ______ clearance above all obstacles within a sector of a circle having a radius of at least 25 NM centred on a radio aid.

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Category: Uncategorized

3. In the following NOTAM example. When is the NOTAM cancelled?

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Category: Uncategorized

4. If you plan to conduct a non-precision approach to RWY 20 but then break it off and circle for RWY 04. Assuming you are unable to see the runway and execute a missed approach. You must:

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

5. The basic airway width for a UHF/VHF airway is _____ either side of centreline.

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Category: Uncategorized

6. You are holding short of RWY 26 in CYRL (red lake) awaiting to depart IFR. London Radio informs you that another IFR aircraft is on a long 20 NM final to the same runway. Select the true statement:

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Category: Uncategorized

7. The OAT is -20 C, GS 140 Knots, airport elevation is 1000 feet. What altitude do you descend to if ATC radar vectors you to descend from 8,000 to 3,000 feet in mountainous regions?

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Category: Uncategorized

8. Which of the following is true with respect to Contact Approaches? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: Uncategorized

9. In cruise flight, with a full pitot tube blockage. If a pilot were to increase power. The airspeed indicator would?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

10. A DME operates in the _______ frequency range, and uses the principles of ______,

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Category: Uncategorized

11. On approach to a down sloping runway without a VASIS, the pilot can be affected by the illusion of being ______ and cause a tendency to _ _____.

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Category: Uncategorized

12. This type of hypoxia is caused by the reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen. To the pilot, this means that, even though there is an adequate supply of oxygen to breathe, the blood's capacity to carry the oxygen to the cells has been impaired.

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Category: INRAT - Human Factors and Airmanship

13. How does alcohol affect your balance/orientation even long after a drink?

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Category: Uncategorized

14. To detect a thunderstorm better at a far distance of 120 NM. The pilot could:

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Category: Uncategorized

15. The thunderstorm ahead of you is only 45 NM away. Assuming you don't change the radar settings, if you were to fly closer to the storm:

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Category: Uncategorized

16. On a GFA forecast, how would a visibility of 30 SM be displayed?

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Category: Uncategorized

17. What does a weather radar measure?

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Category: Uncategorized

18. A pilot is flying an aircraft, at night to an airport near the shoreline. The approach path is over a large lake. If the pilot is not careful it could create an illusion of being ______, and cause he/she to ______.

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Category: Uncategorized

19. Which illusion in a sudden missed approach when adding power,  creates a false sense that the nose is pitching up, and then having the tendency for the pilot to pitch the nose down?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

20. Dual VOR equipment may be checked by tuning both sets to the same VOR facility and noting a tolerance of _____ on the ground and may also be checked while airborne by flying over a landmark located on a published radial with a tolerance of ____.

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Category: Uncategorized

21. What temperature range and cloud type is Rime Icing likely to occur?

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Category: Uncategorized

22. In the winter, over mountainous regions, when temperatures are much lowers than ISA, pilots should operate at altitudes of at least ______ above the _______.

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Category: Uncategorized

23. Are you allowed to temperature correct ATC radar vectoring altitudes when below zero degrees?

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Category: Uncategorized

24. When not assigned a transponder setting by ATC in low level controlled airspace. You may set the transponder to:

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Category: Uncategorized

25. When flying an RNAV approach, which navigational aids must you use for the approach?

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Category: Uncategorized

26. A group 2 IFR rating only gives the pilot privileges to operate:

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Category: Uncategorized

27. What is class B airspace? (select the best 3 answers)

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Category: Uncategorized

28. You are arriving IFR at an uncontrolled airport with a Mandatory Frequency. Which of the following is not a required call?

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Category: Uncategorized

29. The pilot of an aircraft has filed an IFR flight plan from CYKF (Kitchener Waterloo) to CYOO (Oshawa). The estimated departure time filed is 1400Z. What will happen at 1500Z if the pilot has not yet departed?

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Category: Uncategorized

30. While holding short of the runway at night, you notice blowing snow on the runway coming head on towards you. What type of illusion is likely to occur?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

31. On approach to CYXL Sioux Lookout, Runway 34. What is the rate of descend required to maintain a 3 degree glideslope under the following conditions?

Winds 340 @ 20 Knots; Approach speed 140 KIAS

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Category: Uncategorized

32. Which of the following is not a true statement with regards to the SIGMET below?

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Category: Uncategorized

33. When is an aircraft considered to have commenced taxi for take-off?

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Category: Uncategorized

34. On approach to CYYT St. John's NL, runway 29 without a VASIS. There is rain on the windshield obscuring the visibility. This creates the illusion of being _______, and ______, causing the pilot to _______.

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Category: Uncategorized

35. You are set up for an 12 NM final on an ILS approach. What is the expected ILS localizer signal range either side of centreline?

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Category: Uncategorized

36. A Radio Magnetic Indicator displays what information?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

37. You are flying a civilian C172 on an IFR flight. What information can you receive from a VORTAC?

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Category: Uncategorized

38. What is the lowest altitude ATC clear you when not in radar coverage?

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Category: Uncategorized

39. What is not true with regards to STAR arrivals?

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Category: Uncategorized

40. Where a satellite-based approach is planned at both the destination and alternate, the aerodromes are separated by a minimum of: 

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Category: Uncategorized

41. Refer to the approach plate minimums box for Toronto Pearson's (CYYZ) ILS 24L approach.

Would you be able to use CYYZ as an alternate airport given the following?

  1. The remaining runways at the airport are closed by NOTAM.
  2. The TAF forecasts the following: 26020KT 1 SM -RA VV008


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Category: Uncategorized

42. Choose the correct statement with regards to the following Departure Procedure for Rwy 12 in CYQT: The groundspeed in the climb is 128 knots.

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Category: Uncategorized

43. You plan to fly the ILS 07 in CYQT Thunder Bay. Your indicated airspeed for the approach is 125 knots. But, the METAR is showing the following winds. 

METAR CYQT 102000Z 07020KT 20SM SCT014 SCT045 OVC060 M01/M03 A2994 

To determine the approach minima to use. What is the aircraft approach speed category?

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Category: Uncategorized

44. You plan to use CYQT Thunder Bay as an alternate airport and fly the ILS 07.  It is the only precision usable runway available.

What is the lowest HAT and visibility?

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Category: Uncategorized

45. You plan to use CYQT Thunder Bay as an alternate airport and fly the ILS 07 (with the glide slope unserviceable as per the NOTAM). It is the only precision usable runway available. What are the weather minimums to use CYQT as an alternate?

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Category: Uncategorized

46. You plan to use CYQT Thunder Bay as an alternate airport and fly the ILS 07 (with the glide slope unserviceable as per the NOTAM). This time the only weather forecast is from a GFA. What are the weather minimums to use CYQT as an alternate?

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Category: Uncategorized

47. You plan to use CYQT Thunder Bay as an alternate airport and fly the ILS 07 (with the glide slope unserviceable as per the NOTAM). The only weather forecast is from a GFA and you aren't able to confirm that the runway is unobstructed. Assuming a Category C approach speed like the previous question. What are the weather minimums to use CYQT as an alternate?

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Category: Uncategorized

You are cleared for an ILS approach with the following charted minimums: 2200 (200) - 1/2

48. ATC informs you that the weather has dropped to 1/4 SM -RA RW30/1800FT/D VV001

Can you still fly this approach?

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Category: Uncategorized

49. You are currently Inbound on the 210 degree radial to the YUL VOR. ATC then clears you to hold inbound on the 020 degree radial at 6000 feet.

What is the hold entry to use?

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Category: INRAT - Instrumentation, Navigation and Radio Aids

50. You are on the 140° radial inbound to the YUL VOR. Assuming you want to intercept the 190° radial inbound using a 90° intercept angle. What heading would you fly?

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